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11 octobre 2010

QUEEN II (1974) (fr)

Father To Son (fr)
(D'un Père À Son Fils)
Un mot à l'oreille
D'un père à son fils
Écoute ce que j'ai à te dire
J'ai combattu avec toi
Combattu à tes côtés
Bien avant que tu sois venu au monde
Son joyeux
Les mots s'éparpillent
D'un père à son fils
Et la voix est si claire
Et jour après jour, elle n'a de cesse
De t'appeler, de t'appeler
Ne détruis pas ce que
Tu veux faire de ton pays
Continue simplement de construire
Cela a été gagné
Les rois seront couronnés
Les mots s'éparpillent
D'un père à son fils
Ne nous entends-tu pas chanter
Notre chanson de famille ?
Maintenant nous l'avons en main
Mais j'ai déjà entendu tout ça avant
Prend cette lettre que je te donne
Prend la fiston, garde la précieusement
Tu ne comprendras pas un mot de qu'il y a dedans
Mais tu la réécriras entièrement avant que tu ne meures
Un mot à l'oreille
D'un père à son fils
C'est drôle, tu n'entends pas
Un mot de ce que je te dis
Mais ma lettre pour toi
Restera à tes côtés
Au fil du temps
Jusqu'à ce que la solitude soit partie
Chante, si tu veux
Mais l'air que tu respires
Je vis pour te le donner
D'un père à son fils, d'un père à son fils
D'un père à son fils, d'un père à son fils
Son joyeux
Les mots s'éparpillent
D'un père à son fils
Les rois seront couronnés
La terre s'éparpille
D'un père à son fils, à son fils
Son joyeux
Les mots s'éparpillent
D'un père à son fils
Les rois seront couronnés
La terre s'éparpille
D'un père à son fils, à son fils

White Queen (as It Began) (fr)
(La Reine Blanche (Comme Au Commencement))
Ses yeux si tristes, sourient, des yeux sombres
Ses yeux si tristes, comme au commencement
Par une telle nuit, à couper le souffle
Sur mon front, le plus léger des baisers
Je marchais seul
Et tout autour l'air se balançait
Bientôt ma compagne remuera de la même façon
Dans la douleur
La reine Blanche marche
Et la nuit pâlit
Les étoiles de l'amour dans ses cheveux
Observation silencieuse, plaidant un seul mot
Mes yeux, si tristes, qu'elle ne peut voir
Quel était le prix de ce qu'elle a vu
La mère d'un saule vert
J'appelle son nom
Et sous sa fenêtre, je suis resté
J'ai aimé la trace de ses pas
Et quand elle est arrivée
Reine Blanche, comme mon coeur m'a fait mal
Et mes lèvres sèches ne sauraient prononcer un mot
Alors j'attends encore
Ma déésse, entend ma plus sombre peur
Je parle trop tard
C'est pour toujours, que j'attendrai
Alors, chère amie, au revoir
Pas de larmes dans mes yeux
Si tristement, cela se termine, comme cela a commencé

Some Day One Day (Un Jour Peut-être)
Tu n'as jamais entendu ma chanson avant que
La musique soit trop forte
Mais maintenant je pense que tu m'entends bien
Maintenant nous le savons tout les deux
Aucune étoile ne peut nous guider
Dans ce nuage de ténèbre et de peur
Mais un jour peut-être...
C'est amusant de voir comment les pages tournent
Et nous emprisonnent au milieu
Un lointain château t'attend
Ou tu devrais être une reine
Aujourd'hui le nuage se maintient
Au-dessus de nous et tout est gris
Mais un jour peut-être...
Quand j'étais toi et que tu étais moi
Et que nous étions très jeune
Ensemble nous nous étreignions près d'ici
Le reste ne sera pas chanté
Mais encore le nuage se maintient
Au-dessus de nous et nous sommes seul
Mais un jour peut-être
Nous rentrerons à la maison

Ogre Battle (La Bataille Des Ogres)

De nos jours il fut une fois
Où un vieil homme me raconta un conte
Quand le musicien est parti
Et que la soupe et froide sur la table
Et si la corneille noire vole
Pour trouver une nouvelle destination
C'est le signe
Venez ce soir
Venez au repère de l'ogre
Venez à la Bataille Des Ogres
Il donne un énorme crie
Et il peut avaler l'océan
Avec une langue puissante il attrape des mouches
Et la paume de sa main incroyablement grande
Un énorme oeil doit se concentrer dans votre direction
Maintenant la bataille fait rage
Yeah yeah yeah !
Venez ce soir
Venez au repère de l'ogre
Venez à la Bataille Des Ogres
Ah ah ah ah ah
Les Ogres sont toujours à l'interieur
Des deux Montagnes en miroir
Vous devez vous repliez
Hors de vue
Vous ne pouvez pas les voir mais eux le peuvent
Jetez un coup d'oeil à l'exterieur
Les Ogres sont en train de sortir
Des deux Montagnes en miroir
Ils courent par l'arrière
Et il viennent tous
Vous ne pouvez pas aller à l'est car vous devez aller au Sud
Les Ogres rentrent à la maison
L'énorme bataille est finie
Les coup de clairons et les cries de trompetes
La Bataille des Ogres vie pour toujours
Vous pouvez venir
Vous pouvez venir
Venez à la Bataille des Ogres

The Fairy Feller's Master-stroke (The Fairy Feller's Master-stroke*)
C'est un homme féerique
Les êtres féeriques se sont réunis autour
Du nouvel éclat de lune
Pour voir l'homme casser une noix
Au milieu de la nuit
Pour faire danser sa hache il jure,
Comme il s'élève il ose
Le coup de grâce
Des laboureurs, des wagonnier, et des types
Un politicien avec une pipe sénatoriale-
Il s'amuse énormément
Un pédaguogue qui louche fronce les sourcils
Et un satyr qui regarde sous la robe d'une dame
Sale type
Quel sale petit gars
Un homme ignoble et le bouffon
Il y a un voleur et une libellule trompettiste-
C'est mon héro
Un dandy magique chatouillant la fantaisie
De sa petite amie
La nymphe en jaune
"Pouvons nous voir le coup de grâce"
Quelle question
Soldats, marins, rétameurs, tailleurs, laboureurs
Attendant d'entendre le son
Et l'archimage affirme
Qu'il est le chef
Oberon etTitania observés par une harpie
Mab est la reine et il y a un gentil apothicaire
Venu dire bonjour
Un dandy magique chatouillant la fantaisie
De sa petite amie
La nymphe en jaune
Quelle question
Le valet d'écurie regarde la scène les mains sur ses genoux
Venez Mr. Feller
Ouvrez-la si vous le voulez bien
Peinture fantastique de Richard Dadd que la chanson décrit en détail

Nevermore (Plus Jamais)
Il n'y a désormais plus de vie dans ma vie
Les mers sont devenues sèches
Et la pluie s'est arrêter de tomber
S'il te plait ne pleure plus jamais
Ne vois-tu pas
Ecoute le vent
S'il te plait dis-moi doucement
Ne me renvoie pas au chemin de "Plus Jamais"
Même la vallée ci-dessous
Où les rayons du soleil
Etaient si doux et tendre
Maintenant plus rien ne pousse
Ne vois-tu pas ?
Pourquoi m'as tu quitté ?
Pourquoi m'as tu trompé ?
Tu m'as envoyé au chemin de "Plus Jamais"
Quand tu as dis que plus jamais tu ne m'aimerais
Plus jamais plus jamais

The March Of The Black Queen (La Marche De La Reine Noire)
Que veux-tu lui dire ?
Que veux-tu lui dire ?
Que veux-tu lui dire ?
Pourquoi ne lui dis-tu pas ?
Pourquoi te suis-je et où vas-tu
Tu n'as jamais rien vu de tel dans votre vie
Comme monter au Paradis et revenir à la vie
Laisse moi tout te dire à propos de cela -
Et le monde l'acceptera mieux
Ooh donnez moi un peu de temps pour choisir
Des petits poissons chantant dans un magnifique petit bassin lumineux
De la poudre bleu de singes priant au milieu de la nuit
Ainsi arrive la Reine Noire, rentrant dans le tas
Battez-vous pour la Reine Noir, marchant en file indiènne
Prenez ceci, prenez cela, abattez-les à la taille
Mettez-les dans la cellule avec les méchants garçons
Un petit sucre noir et puis un sucre d'orge au pétrole
Peignez tout en noir, Peignez en noir tous les doigts et les orteils
Nous avons juste commencé - commencé
Faites ceci, faites cela, continuez de faire tout ce bruit
Maintenant que j'ai le ventre plein
Tu peux être mon petit sucre, tu peut être mon enfant en miel, oui
Une voix à l'interieur de moi-même me rappelle
Sors tes ailes tu es un ange
Rappelle-toi de délivrer avec la vitesse de la lumière
Un peu d'amour et de joie
Tout ce que tu fais engendre une volonté et un pourquoi et un lieu
Un peu d'amour et de joie
Dans chaque et toutes âmes se trouvent un homme
Et très bientôt il mourra et découvrira
Que même à la fin de sa vie, il apportera un peu d'amour
Je reigne de ma main gauche, je commande de la droite
Je suis le seigneur de tout Ténèbres, je suis la Reine de la Nuit
J'ai le pouvoir - Maintenant prenez part à la marche de la Reine Noire
Ma vie est entre vos mains, je vous ferez allégance
Je serai ce que vous ferez de moi, je ferai ce que vous voudrez
Je serai un mauvais garçcon, je serai votre mauvais garçcon
Je prendrai part à la Marche de la Reine Noire
Marche vraiment pour le style
Elle est une vulgaire buse vile
Battez-vous pour la Reine Noire, tatouée de partout
Elle bout et elle cuit et elle ne mets jamais les points sur les "i"
Oubliez vos chansons et vos berçeuses
Rendez-vous à la citée des lucioles
Dancez chez le diable avec l'orchestre
En Enfer avec tous ceux d'entre vous main dans la main
Mais maintenant il est temps de partir - Pour toujours

Funny How Love Is (C'est Fou Comme Est L'amour*)
C'est fou comme l'amour est partout, il vous suffit de regarder
C'est fou comme l'amour est partout la où l'on doit se trouver
C'est fou comme l'amour est dans chaque chanson, chaque accord
C'est fou comme l'amour arrive à la maison à l'heure pour le thé
C'est fou, c'est fou
C'est fou que l'amour soit la fin du mensonge,
Quand la vérité arrive
Demain arrive, Demain apporte
Demain apporte l'amour dans toutes ses formes
C'est ça l'amour, c'est ça l'amour
C'est fou comme l'amour peut soudainement vous briser le coeur
C'est fou comme l'amour est apparu, dégringolant avec Adam et Eve
C'est fou comme l'amour est sauvage et se sent libre
C'est fou comme l'amour arrive à la maison à l'heure pour le thé
C'est fou, c'est fou
De la Terre sous nos pieds, jusqu'aux paradis au dessus de nos têtes
Voila toute l'étendue et la beauté de l'amour
N'importe quand, n'importe où
Si vous devez faire l'amour, faites le partout
C'est ça l'amour, c'est ça l'amour
C'est fou comme l'amour est partout, il vous suffit de regarder
C'est fou comme l'amour est partout la où l'on se trouve
C'est fou comme l'amour est dans chaque chanson, chaque accord
C'est fou comme est l'amour quand vous devez vous presser
Car vous êtes en retard pour le thé
C'est fou, c'est fou
Demain arrive, Demain apporte,
Demain apporte l'amour dans toutes ses formes
N'importe quand, n'importe où
Si vous devez faire l'amour, faites le partout
C'est ça l'amour, c'est ça l'amour
Funny = drôle (a peu pres). Bien entendu, cette chanson est une ODE à l'amour,
Et n'a rien d'ironique, et Freddie raconte tout simplement comment il est émerveillé
Par cet amour qu'il voit partout. Pour transcrire ce sentiment en Français,
Cette formule me semble donc plus appropriée que "C'est dôle comment l'amour blablabla".

Seven Seas Of Rhye (Les Septs Mers De Rhye)
Redoutez-moi seigneurs et mesdames les prédicateurs
Je descends sur la Terre depuis les cieux
Je commande vos âmes même vous les non-croyants
Rendez-moi ce qui m'appartient
Les septs mers de Rhye
Pouvez-vous m'entendre pairs et privés conseillers
Je vous tiens nus devant les yeux
Je tuerai chaque hommes qui osera défier ma confiance
Je jure que vous m'appartiendrais
Les septs mers de Rhye
Soeur - je vie et ments pour vous
Monsieur - accomplis et je ne mourrai pas
Tu m'appartiens je te possède
Tu m'appartiendras toujours-toujours-toujours-aah
Je défie le maitre du marathon je volerai à travers
Par l'éclair et le tonnerre du feu et
Je survivrai - Je survivrai -Je survivrai
Je survivrai - Je survivrai - Je survivrai
Ensuite je défierai les lois de la nature et je sortirai en vie
Après je t'appartiendrai
Je serai parti avec vous - vous, bien chaussés et obscurs sénateurs
Il vous manquera le bien il abandonnera les mauvais moments
Je défie la puissance de Titan et de ses emmerdeurs
Et avec le sourire
Je vous prenderai aux sept mers de Rhye
- Oh j'aime être près du bord de la mer
- Oh j'aime être près de la mer
- Ou la fanfare joue - chantant om pom pom
- Oh j'aime être près du bord de la mer
- Oh j'aime être près de la mer

29 mai 2010

Queen (fr)

1.  Keep Yourself Alive

Keep Yourself Alive (Tenez-vous en vie)
On m'a parlé un million de fois
De tous les problèmes sur mon chemin
Comment je devais continuer d'essayer
Un petit peu mieux chaque jour
Mais si j'ai traversé un million de rivières
Et j'ai parcouru un million de miles
Alors je serais encore là où j'ai commencé
Du pain et du beurre contre un sourire
Eh bien j'ai vendu un million de miroirs
Dans une boutique à Alley Way
Mais je n'ai jamais vu mon visage
Dans aucune fenêtre aucun jour
Eh bien ils racontent que vos mec vous disent
D'être une super star
Mais je vous dis d'être juste satisfaits
De rester bien où vous êtes
Tenez-vous en vie, tenez-vous en vie
Cela prendra tout votre temps et votre argent
Chéri tu survivras !
Eh bien j'ai aimé un million de femmes
Dans une brume de belladones
Et j'ai mangé un million de diners
Qu'on m'a apportés sur des plateaux en argent
Donnez moi tout ce dont j'ai besoin
Pour nourrir mon corps et mon âme
Et je grandirai un petit peu
Peut être que cela peut être mon objectif
On m'a parlé un million de fois
De tous les gens sur mon chemin
Comment je devais continuer d'essayer
Et me sentir mieux chaque jour
Mais j'ai traversé un million de rivières
Et j'ai parcouru un million de miles
Alors je serais encore là où j'ai commencé
Encore là où j'ai commencé
Tenez-vous en vie, tenez-vous en vie
Cela prendra tout votre temps et votre argent
Chéri tu survivras !
Tenez-vous en vie
Tenez vous en vie
Cela prendra tout votre temps et votre argent
Pour me satisfaire
Penses-tu être mieux chaque jour ?
Non je pense seulement que je suis deux marches plus proche de ma tombe
Tenez-vous en vie
Tenez vous en vie
Vous prenez votre temps et vous prenez votre argent
Tenez-vous en vie
Tenez vous en vie
Tenez-vous en vie
Vous tous les gens tenez-vous en vie
Tenez-vous en vie
Tenez vous en vie
Cela prendra tout votre temps et votre argent
Pour me satisfaire
Tenez vous en vie
Tenez-vous en vie
Vous tous les gens tenez-vous en vie
Tu prends tout ton temps et ton argent chéri
Tu survivras !
Soyez satisfaits
Soyez satisfaits

2.  Doing Alright

Doing All Right (Aller bien)
Paroles de Biran May et de Tim Staffell.
Hier ma vie était en ruine
Maintenant aujourd'hui je sais ce que je fais
J'ai le sentiment que je devrais aller bien
Aller bien
Où serai-je à cette heure demain ?
Sauter de joie ou me noyer dans mon chagrin
De toute façon je devrais aller bien
Aller bien
Je devrais attendre le soleil
Aller à la recherche des mots à dire
Je devrais attendre que les cieux s'éclaircissent
Il n'y a pas suffisamment de temps dans le monde
Je devrais attendre le soleil
Et de toute façon je dois me cacher
Hier ma vie était en ruine
Maintenant aujourd'hui Dieu seul sait ce que je fais
De toute façon je devrais aller bien
Aller bien
Aller bien

3.  Great King Rat

Great King Rat (Le Seigneur Rat)
Le Seigneur Rat est mort aujourd'hui
Né le 21 mai,
La syphillis l'a tué le jour de ses 44 ans
A chaque seconde, il jurait
Oui, c'était un fils de pute
Toujours recherché
Voulez vous savoir ?
Voulez vous savoir ?
Le seigneur Rat était un sale vieil homme,
Un vieil homme sale il était
Qu'est ce que je vous ai dit,
Voulez vous voir ?
Ecoutez maintenant
Ou serais-je demain ?
Est ce que je parierai, ou est ce que j'emprunterai ?
Je m'en fous, je m'en fous de toute façon
Allez, c'est le moment
Cet homme est mauvais, et ca c'est bon
Je vous l'ai dit, oui je vous l'ai dit
Et ce ne sont pas des mensonges
Voulez vous savoir ?
Voulez vous savoir ?
Voulez vous savoir ?
Le seigneur Rat était un sale vieil homme,
Un vieil homme sale il était
Qu'est ce que je vous ai dit,
Voulez vous voir ?
Montrez moi
Voulez vous savoir ?
Voulez vous savoir ?
Le seigneur Rat était un sale vieil homme,
Un vieil homme sale il était
Qu'est ce que je vous ai dit,
Voulez vous voir ?
Maintenant écoutez tous
Ecartez le bien et gardez le mal
Ne croyez pas tout ce que vous lisez dans la Bible
Vous, les pecheurs, alignez vous
Les saints vous ont laissé loin derrière
Très bientôt vous serez son disciple
N'écoutez pas ce vous dis votre mère
Pas un mot, pas un mot de ce que votre mère vous dis
Sinon tu deviendra ton propre rival
Le grand Seignneur, avant de mourir
Fesait s'agenouiller les pecheurs à son côté
Et disais que tu réaliserais plus tard
Non, je ne vous répèterai pas
Ce que vous savez déjà
Car depuis longtemps déjà
Le vieil homme l'a dit il y a bien longtemps
Allez, le moment est venu
Cet homme mauvais va combattre
Je vous l'ai déjà dit
Voulez vous savoir ?
Voulez vous savoir ?
Comme je vous l'ai déjà dit
Le seigneur Rat était un sale vieil homme,
Un vieil homme sale il était
Qu'est ce que je vous ai dit,
Voulez vous voir ?

4.  My Fairy King

My Fairy King (Mon roi des fées)
Sur la terre où les chevaux naissent avec des ailes d'aigle
Et où les abeilles ont perdu leurs dard
On entend éternellement des chants
Le lion partage sa tanière avec le cerf
Et des rivières de vin limpide
Coulent éternellement
Des dragons volent dans le ciel comme des moineaux
Et où les bébés agneaux osent
Partirent encore encore encore encore encore
Il gouverne l'air et change les marées
Mon roi des fées peut voir des choses que l'on ne peut
Peut faire seulement juste
Puit vint l'homme pour détruire dans la nuit
Pour courir comme des voleurs et tuer comme des couteaux
Pour prendre le pouvoir de la main magique
Et apporter la ruine à la terre promise
Le lait est périmé
Comme le sang bleu de mes veines
(Pourquoi veut t'il te voir ? )
Le feu brûle en enfer
Avec le pleure et le cri de douleur
Fils du paradis fait moi libre et laisse moi partir
Les mers sont à sec et n'ont plus de sel ni de sable
Les saisons volent sans l'aide de la main magique
Les detns du pauvre homme ne sont pas ensoleillés mais ses yeux brillent comme des perles
Quelqu'un quelqu'un
Egoutez juste la couleur de mes ailes
Brisez l'anneau de ma fée
Et la honte du roi danstout sa fierté
Change les ailes et les mauvais marés
Mère du Mercure, regardez quelle chose ils ont fait de moi
Je ne peut ni courir
Ni me cacher

5.  Liar

Liar (Menteur)
J'ai péché, cher père
Oui père, j'ai péché
Je t'en prie aide-moi mon père,
Ne m'ouvriras tu pas ta porte ?
Personne ne me crois
Pourquoi ne me laissent-ils pas tranquille ?
Sire, j'ai volé
Volé tant de fois
Elevé ma voix par colère
Alors que je savais que je ne devais pas
Oh, tout le monde me trompe
Pourquoi ne me laissez-vous pas tranquille ?
J'ai parcouru les mers
De Mars jusqu'à Mercure
J'ai bu le vin
A maintes reprises
Vous me mentez
Vous me mentez
Père, je t'en prie pardonne-moi
Tu sais que tu ne me quittera jamais
Je t'en prie, met-moi sur le droit chemin
Menteur, menteur, menteur, menteur
Voila comment ils m'appellent toujours
Menteur menteur menteur
Ecoutez, vous allez m'écouter
Maman je serai ton exclave
Toute la journée
Maman, je vais essayer de bien me comporter
Toute la journée
Maman je serai ton esclave
Toute la journée
Je te servirai jusqu'à la fin de tes jours
Toute la journée
Je te garderai auprès de moi jusqu'à la fin de tes jours
Toute la journée
Je m'agenouillerai à tes cotés et prierai
Et prieraiToute la journée
Et prieraiToute la journée
Et prieraiToute la journée
Toute la journée, toute la journée
Toute la journée, toute la journée
Toute la journée, toute la journée
Menteur, menteur, ils ne t'ons jamais laissé une chance de gagner
Menteur, menteur, chacun de tes actes est un péché
Menteur, personne ne te crois
Menteur, ils te traînent dans la boue avant même que tu ais commencé
Maintenant laisse moi te dire une chose
Tu sais à présent que tu sera mort avant qu'ils t'ai laissé faire

6.  The Night Comes Down

The Night Comes Down (La Nuit Tombe)
Lorsque j'étais jeune, c'est venu vers moi
Et j'ai pu voir le soleil le transpercer
Lucy était haut perchée dans le ciel et moi aussi
Eblouissant, tenant le monde à l'intérieur
Autrefois je croyais en les gens
Chacun peut le constater
Oh la nuit tombe
Et je commence à être effrayé de perdre mon chemin
Oh la nuit tombe
Et c'est sombre de nouveau
Autrefois je pouvais rire avec tout le monde
Autrefois je pouvais voir la bonté en moi
Le noir et le blanc distinctivement
Colorant, tenant le monde à l'intérieur
Maintenant le monde est bien gris pour moi
Personne ne peut le voir
Tu dois le croire
Oh la nuit tombe
Et je commence à être effrayé de perdre mon chemin
Oh la nuit tombe ooh
Et c'est sombre de nouveau
Et c'est sombre de nouveau
Et c'est sombre

7.  Modern Times Rock'n'Roll

8.  Son & Daughter

Son And Daughter (Fils Et Fille)
Ecrit et composé par Brian May.
Chanté par Freddie Mercury.
Je veux que tu sois
Une femme
Tu as essayé d'être un fils et une fille à la fois
T'as dit que tu serais l'égal de tout homme pour t'amuser
Maintenant ne te sens tu pas surprise de trouver
Le chapeau qui ne t'allait simplement pas
Le monde s'attend à un homme
Qui travaille dur et qui remue la merde
Que feras tu pour l'amour
Quand il a tout juste commencé ?
Je veux que tu sois une femme
Tu as essayé d'être un professeur et un pêcheur d'hommes
Un prêcheur de l'égalité entre les hommes
Nous mèneras-tu de la même façon ?
Et bien j'ai parcouru le monde entier
Un tout nouveau mot par jour
Regarder le temps ne doit pas s'éterniser derrière
Pardonne-moi je dois partir
Que penseras-tu du paradis
Si c'est de là que tu venais ?
Je veux que tu sois une femme
Je veux que tu sois une femme ouais

9.  Jesus

Jesus (Jésus)
Chant et paroles par Freddie Mercury.
Et soudain je Le vis dans la foule
Beaucoup de gens s'étaient rassemblés autour de Lui
Les mendiants criaient les lépreux L'appelaient
Le vieil homme ne dit rien
Il regardait dans Sa direction
Ils descendaient tous pour voir le Seigneur Jésus
Ils descendaient tous pour voir le Seigneur Jésus
Ils descendaient tous
Puis arriva un homme qui s'écroula devant Lui
Souillé a dit le lépreux et il sonna sa clochette
Il sentit la paume d'une main toucher sa tête
Va maintenant va maintenant un nouvel homme a remplacé celui que tu étais
Ils descendaient tous pour voir le Seigneur Jésus
Ils descendaient tous pour voir le Seigneur Jésus
Ils descendaient tous
Tout cela commença avec les trois sages
Ils suivirent une étoile qui les mena à Bethlehem
Et qui fit que tout cela fut entendu à travers le pays
Il était né le meneur des hommes
Ils descendaient tous pour voir le Seigneur Jésus
Ils descendaient tous pour voir le Seigneur Jésus
Ils descendaient tous
Tout cela commença avec les trois sages
Ils suivirent une étoile qui les emmena à Bethlehem
Et qui fit que tout cela fut entendu à travers le pays
Il était né le meneur des hommes
Ils descendaient tous pour voir le Seigneur Jésus
Ils descendaient tous pour voir le Seigneur Jésus
Ils descendaient tous

10.  Seven Seas of Rhye


28 mai 2010


28 mai 2010

The Cosmos Rocks

The Cosmos Rocks

1.Cosmos Rockin'

What planet is this, mmmh ?

Let there be rock 'n' roll

It's a Saturday night and I'm home alone

With the music on quiet I'm flying solo
Then my feet start moving to the sound of the beat
Put the music up loud hear it in the street
Then the neighbours start banging on my front door
Throw the door wide open saying what's your point
Come on in let's rock this joint

We got the whole house rocking

We got the whole house rocking
We got the whole house rocking
We got the whole house rocking
We got the whole house rocking
To the mighty power of rock 'n' roll

We dance out of the door, dance into the street

And all the people are swaying to the musical beat
We rock down the road and down to the town
And all the people stare and smile and get down
Then the police man is saying "stop this noise"
But the beat takes over now he's one of the boys
The beat's taken over now he's one of the boys

Come on down let's rock this town

We got the whole town rocking

We got the whole town rocking
We got the whole town rocking
We got the whole town rocking
We got the whole town rocking
To the mighty power of rock 'n' roll

Let's go

Let it roll
Are you ready?
Said are you ready?
The cosmos rocks
Across seven seas through the Panama,
Now they're rockin' on beaches and they're rockin' in bars
Don't ask me how and don't ask me why
From Miami Beach down to old Bondi
There's a rock 'n' roll fever in every place
Next thing you know they'll be rockin' out in space

Come on down let's rock this place

Come on down and
Sock it to me

We got the whole world rocking

We got the whole world rocking
We got the whole world rocking
We got the whole world rocking
We got the whole world rocking
To the mighty mighty mighty power

We got the cosmos rocking

We got the cosmos rocking
We got the universe rocking
We got the cosmos rocking
We got the cosmos rocking
To the might power of rock 'n' roll

2.Time To Shine

With the sun in your eyes and the wind in your face

To heaven you rise in a holy embrace
Your feet on the ground your head in the clouds
And you're wondering if you're never coming down

In an instant the mysteries of life will unfold

The myths and the dragons of time will explode
Here's to a real understanding of truth
For compassion and grace to be given their chance too

Raise up your mind

It's time to shine

A moment down through millennium

Unveiling the secrets of song to be sung
Waters of life flowing soft to the touch
Wisdom remembered have we forgotten oh so much

Raise up your mind

It's time to shine
Raise up your mind
Hey, it's time to shine

Let's awaken from barbarity

Into a world of serenity
Beyond the rage of foolish pride
And on to the golden shores of paradise

Raise up your mind

Hey, it's time to shine
Raise up your mind
Hey, it's time to shine
Raise up your mind
Your time to shine
It's time to shine
It's time to shine

3.Still Burnin'

I can't wake in the mornin'

I can't sleep at night
I got a pain in my memory
That just won't sit right
You might say I'm losing my mind
What a shame, shame, shame
But I don't want and I don't need
To play the cryin' game

Music lights this flame in me

I won't let it go and it won't let me be
I'm just a happy slave and oh I can't leave it
'cause I'm still, and I always will, be a believer

Still burnin' (Yeah)

Still yearnin' (And the wheel's)
Still turnin' (Let me tell you why)
We're jivin' (And the beat's)
Still drivin' (And we are all)
Divin' (Rock'n'roll never die)

I can't breathe in the city

Got dust in my lungs
I get mad in the country
Everythin' seem to go wrong
You might think I'm playin' around
But my heart is true
I got reason to believe
That sweet soul magic
Gonna tear my heart in two

Music makes the world go round

I've been flyin' on the wings of the sound
It feels so good from way up here
I'm still a believer
Headin' for the stars

(Still burnin')

(Still yearnin')
Still turnin' (Better than every guy)
(We're jivin')
(Still drivin')
Sky divin' (Rock'n'roll never die)

Don't say that you love me I can't go down that road

But don't think for a moment that my heart went cold
I keep thinkin' about what I lost
And what I might have found
I went to sleep and when I woke
Everything had turned around

Still burnin' (Yeah)

(Still yearnin')
Still turnin' (A new day dawnin')
(We're jivin')
(Still drivin')
Sky divin' (Early in the morning)

Still burnin' (Yeah)

Still yearnin' (And the wheel's)
Still turnin' (Better than every guy)
We're jivin' (And the beat's)
Still drivin' (And we're all)
Sky divin' (Rock'n'roll never die)


I like to sit here in the sunshine

The trees in the fields are green sublime
Suspended in time
And don't it make you feel small?

I like to sit here by the fire's light

The trees in the fields lie bare to the night
The stars burn bright
And don't it make you feel small?

Everyone needs a place they can hide

Hide away find a space to be alone
Everyone needs a place they can hide
Everyone needs to find peace sublime

I like to sit here in the autumn time

The trees in the fields they rustle in the wind
The church bells gently chime
Gentle on your mind
Suspended in time
And don't it make you feel small?

Everyone needs a place they can hide

Everyone need to find peace sublime
Oh peace of mind

Everyone needs a place they can hide

Hide away find a space to be alone

Everyone needs a place they can hide

Hide away find a space to be alone

Everyone needs a place they can hide

Hide away find a space to be alone
Everyone needs a place they can hide

Everyone needs to find, peace sublime

Oh, peace of mind


They were born with the knowledge of the struggle to survive

They were raised learning only ways to stay alive
Their language is the language of the bullets and the gun
If you see them coming, babe you'd better run

Here come the warboys

Here come the warboys

Well they look so pretty as they march and drill

It's such a pity that they're dressed to kill
See them marching two by two
When it all comes down, they know exactly what to do

Here come the war, war, warboys

Warboys, children and their toys
Warboys, make a lot of noise
Warboys, when the lightning explodes
I pray for your soul...

Well they look so fierce, gonna tear out your heart

When they get near, gonna see what they got
Hold on to your soul, friend of mine
I'll see you in hell, some other time

Here come the warboys, warboys

Warboys, warboys

6.We Believe

I believe there's no evil out there we didn't have a hand in

You believe it's a time for peace and a time for understanding
Some of us believe that we are chosen
And if God is on our side we'll win the game
And some of us believe that there's a heaven
When the trumpets sound and the judges call your name
But let's get it straight

I believe there's just once chance in this world to hear our brothers

You believe there's a better way to listen to each other
We don't get what the other guy is saying
We hear the words but we don't understand
So around the world the same old anger raging
And we all cry for shame and the same old tragedy goes down

We believe there's a better way to fight

There's a way to make our children safe at night
We believe there's a war we could be winning
But the only way to win it is to give what we need to receive

I believe we need a hero to step boldly from the shadows

You believe there must be someone on the scene that fits the bill
A man or a woman who knows how to say I'm sorry
With courage in his heart to match his creed
A leader who can build a brand new morning
And match the tide of changes
Match the intent with the deed

We believe there's a deed of obligation

To bring reconciliation
To make peace with every nation - in our time
We believe there's not a minute we should be wasting
When the darkness falls it's too late to fix the crime
It's peace that we need

Every father every mother knows the meaning

Human treasure that our leaders do forget
And the bullets fly in the face of common reason
And the pain we give is the legacy in the end we get

We believe there's a song that's worth the singing

It's a song of truth we're bringing
There's a way to share the Earth with everyone
We believe every creature has a being
Has a right to respect and feeling
To live and breathe and flourish in the sun

That's what we believe

7.Call Me

Call me if you need my love

Call me if you need my love

Call me if you need my love

Call me if you need my love
Call me if you need my love
Call me if you need my love

She lives in a luxury apartment in the heart of town

I live in the country and my house is tumbling down

Call me if you need my love

Call me if you need my love
Call me if you need my love
Call me if you need my love

I met her in her neighbourhood, I was just passing through

One look was all it took, yeah, one look or two

Call me if you need my love

Call me if you need my love
Call me if you need my love
Call me if you need my love

You got my name, you got my number

You got my number, you got my name

Now I'm gonna settle down, get myself a wife or two

No more of this running around like I used to do

Call me if you need my love, baby

Call me if you need my love
Call me if you need my love, baby
Call me if you need my love

Call me if you need my love, baby

Call me if you need my love
Call me if you need my love, baby
Call me if you need my love


When the moon rises, the dogs will howl

Look out of your window, I'll be on the prowl
I'm not usually a gambling man
But oh I just wanna hold up my hands

And say I'm taking a chance on you love

Woah I'm taking a chance on you love

I'm not superstitious and I don't wear no charm

I don't carry my heart on the sleeve of my arm
Seven years of bad luck, please, don't worry me
'Cause when I look in the mirror, here's the future I see

I'm taking a chance on you love

Woah, I'm taking a chance on you love

Place your bets, better yet

Don't forget, what I said
Roll the dice, spin the wheel
Always remember, you've got to keep it real

Don't believe in voodoo, black magic was never my style

But I believe you do, and it won't take much time
To gather the portions that weave your magic spell
The moon on the ocean has a secret to tell

But anyway I'm taking a chance on you love

Woah I'm taking a chance on you love
Woah I'm taking a chance on you love

9.Some Things That Glitter

Once I loved a butterfly

Don't wonder how, don't ask me why
But I believed what I'd been told
"All things that glitter can't be gold"

Ooooo ooo yeah

All things that glitter can't be gold

Those jealous minds conspired to say

Just let that creature fly away
How can it be she has it all
Her pride is headed for a fall

Ooooo ooo yeah

All things that glitter can't be gold

Oh Lord, what races we run

Seeking our place in the sun
Reaching and hoping we'll find the right one

Now every day a new joy brings

My butterfly grew golden wings
It seems we find as we grow old
Some things that glitter may be gold

Ooooo ooo yeah

Some things that glitter may be gold

So let us mind what's there to see

Before our hearts become too cold
In spite of all that we've been told
Some things that glitter may be gold

Ooooo ooo yeah

Some things that glitter may be gold

Ooooo ooo yeah

Some things that glitter
May be gold


Ain't got no hope

Got no idea
What to do
Or why I'm here
Wanna get my face
On your TV
I wanna be heard
I want to be seen

Ain't got nothin'

Nothin' to show
Make me a c-lebrity

I want to be

A face on TV
(I wanna be on your screen)
Then you can see
I'm a c-lebrity

I wanna get my features

In magazines
See this creature on every street
On every screen
Write my life story
Before I'm twenty one
I got to tell the world
They may say I'm dumb but er

Ain't got nothin'

Nothing to show
Make me a c-lebrity

I want to be

A face on TV
(I wanna be on your screen)
Then you can see
I'm a c-lebrity

I wanna be a star

In a Broadway musical
They're gonna love me
I can't sing or dance at all
Some may say I'm lackadaisical
And if I was real good
I'd stand no chance at all
I want to be
A face on TV
(Yeah I wanna be on your screen)
Then you can see
I'm a c-lebrity
Then you can say
You knew me one day
Then you will see
I'm a c-lebrity

C c-lebrity

Wanna be a c c c-lebrity
Make my dream come true
C c-lebrity
Wanna be a c c c c-lebrity
I wanna be heard
I want to be seen
On every TV screen

11.Through The Night

Tell me something that'll ease my pain

I am living life in vain
Crying doesn't help me anymore
Tell me something that'll ease my mind
I am walking the line
Trying doesn't get my anywhere

I wander through the night

All the stars are shining bright
Searching for a guiding light
I wander through the night

Tell me something 'cause I need to know

Can you teach me how to live
How to understand how to love and how to give
Anger burns in bitterness and fills me up inside
I can't face it and there's no place I can hide

I wander through the night

All the stars are shining bright
Searching for a guiding light
I wander through the night

Tell me something 'cause I need to know

Can you teach me how to live
How to understand how to love and how to give
Anger burns in bitterness and fills me up inside
Without your love there's nowhere I can hide

I wander through the night

All the stars are shining bright
Searching for a guiding light
I wander through the night

12.Say It's Not True

The harder we play, the faster we fall

When we think that we know it all, we know nothing at all
The letter arrives like a bolt from the blue
So what's left of your lives, all your dreams lost to you

Say it's not true, say it today

When I open my eyes, will it all go away?
Say it's not true, say it for real
Can't be happened to you, can't be happened to me

It's hard not to cry, it's hard to believe

So much heartache and pain, so much reason to grieve
With the wonders of science, all the knowledge we've stored
Magic cocktails for lives people just can't afford

Say it's not true, you can say it's not right

It's hard to believe the size of the crime
Say it's not true, you can say it's not real
Could be happened to you, could be happened to me

Say it's not true, you can say it's not right

It's hard to believe the size of the crime
Say it's not true, you can say it's not real
Could be happened to you, could be happened to me

13.Surf's Up....School's Out

Surf's up, school's out

I got a criminal urge to twist and shout

I've been searching my whole life through

For some perfect dream imagined in my youth

(Follow that dream

Surf's up, school's out
Surf's up, school's out)

For a perfect life, find a perfect girl

You gotta follow that dream to a perfect world
I've been a searcher, an adventurer too
This ride still runs, I wanna ride with you

This ride still runs, wanna ride with you

(Follow that dream

Surf's up, school's out
Surf's up, school's out)

In the town and the country

We all lay and dreamed our dreams
Then we found the world is tough
And all is not quite what it seems
Gotta take it by the horns
Gotta seize your precious day
Gotta follow your dream

(Follow that dream

Follow that dream
Follow that dream
Surf's up, school's out
Follow that dream
Surf's up, school's out
Surf's up
Follow that dream
Surf's up, school's out
Surf's up, school's out
Follow that dream)

Follow that dream

14.Small (reprise)

Everyone needs a place they can hide

Everyone need to find peace sublime
Oh peace of mind

28 mai 2010

Greatest Hits 3

Greatest Hits 3


Empty spaces - what are we waiting for

Abandoned places - I guess we know the score
On and on
Does anybody know what we are looking for

Another hero another mindless crime

Behind the curtain in the pantomime
Hold the line
Does anybody want to take it anymore

The show must go on

The show must go on
Inside my heart is breaking
My make-up may be flaking
But my smile still stays on

Whatever happens I'll leave it all to chance

Another heartache another failed romance
On and on
Does anybody know what we are living for
I guess I'm learning
I must be warmer now
I'll soon be turning round the corner now
Outside the dawn is breaking
But inside in the dark I'm aching to be free

The show must go on

The show must go on - yeah
Ooh inside my heart is breaking
My make-up may be flaking
But my smile still stays on
Yeah oh oh oh

My soul is painted like the wings of butterflies

Fairy tales of yesterday will grow but never die
I can fly - my friends

The show must go on - yeah

The show must go on
I'll face it with a grin
I'm never giving in
On with the show

I'll top the bill

I'll overkill
I have to find the will to carry on
On with the
On with the show

The show must go on


Pressure pushing down on me

Pressing down on you no man ask for
Under pressure
That burns a building down
Splits a family in two
Puts people on streets

Bah bah bah bah bah bah

Bah bah bah bah bah bah

That's o-kay!

It's the terror of knowing
What this world is about
Watching some good friends
Screaming let me out!
Pray tomorrow takes me higher
Pressure on people
People on streets

Do do do bah bah bah bah

Chippin' around
Kick my brains round the floor
These are the days
It never rains but it pours
People on streets
People on streets

It's the terror of knowing

What this world is about
Watching some good friends
Screaming let me out!
Pray tomorrow takes me higher higher higher
Pressure on people
People on streets
Turned away from it all
Like a blind man
Sat on a fence but it don't work
Keep coming up with love
But it's so slashed and torn
Why why why?
Love love love love

Insanity laughs under pressure we're cracking

Can't we give ourselves one more chance?
Why can't we give love that one more chance?
Why can't we give love give love give love?
Give love give love give love give love give love?
Cause love's such an old fashioned word
And love dares you to care
For people on the edge of the night
And love dares you to change our way
Of caring about ourselves
This is our last dance
This is our last dance
This is ourselves under pressure
Under pressure pressure


Barcelona Barcelona

Barcelona Barcelona

I had this perfect dream

-Un sueno me envolvio
This dream was me and you
-Tal vez estas aqui
I want all the world to see
-Un instinto me guiaba
A miracle sensation
My guide and inspiration
Now my dream is slowly coming true

The wind is a gentle breeze

-El me hablo de ti
The bells are ringing out
-El canto vuela
They're calling us together
Guiding us forever
Wish my dream would never go away

Barcelona - It was the first time that we met

Barcelona - How can I forget
The moment that you stepped into the room you took my breath away
Barcelona - La musica vibros
Barcelona - Y ella nos unio
And if God willing we will meet again someday

Let the songs begin

-Dejalo nacer
Let the music play
Make the voices sing
-Nace un gran amor
Start the celebration
-Van a mi
And cry
Come alive
And shake the foundations from the skies
Ah,Ah,Shaking all our lives

Barcelona - Such a beautiful horizon

Barcelona - Like a jewel in the sun
Por ti sere gaviota de tu bella mar
Barcelona - Suenan las campamas
Barcelona - Abre tus puertas al mundo
If God is willing
-If God is willing
If God is willing
Friends until the end
Viva - Barcelona


I'm just the pieces of the man I used to be

Too many bitter tears are raining down on me
I'm far away from home
And I've been facing this alone
For much too long
I feel like no-one ever told the truth to me
About growing up and what a struggle it would be
In me tangled state of mind
I've been looking back to find
Where I went wrong

Too much love will kill you

If you can't make up your mind
Torn between the lover
And the love you leave behind
You're headed for disaster
'cos you never read the signs
Too much love will kill you
Every time

I'm just the shadow of the man I used to be

And it seems like there's no way out of this for me
I used to bring you sunshine
Now all I ever do is bring you down
How would it be if you were standing in my shoes
Can't you see that it's impossible to choose
No there's no making sense of it
Every way I go I'm bound to lose

Too much love will kill you

Just as sure as none at all
It'll drain the power that's in you
Make you plead and scream and crawl
And the pain will make you crazy
You're the victim of your crime
Too much love will kill you
Every time

Too much love will kill you

It'll make your life a lie
Yes, too much love will kill you
And you won't understand why
You'd give your life, you'd sell your soul
But here it comes again
Too much love will kill you
In the end...
In the end.


Can anybody find be somebody to love?

Each morning I get up I die a little
Can barely stand on my feet
(Take a look at yourself)Take a look in the mirror and cry
Lord what you're doing to me
I have to spend all my years in believing you
But I just can't get no relief Lord
Somebody (somebody) ooh somebody (somebody)
Can anybody find me somebody to love?

I work hard (he works hard) everyday of my life

I work till I ache my bones
At the end (at the end of the day)
I take home my hard earned pay all on my own
I get down (down) on my knees (knees)
And I start to pray (praise the Lord)
'Til the tears run down from my eyes
Lord somebody (somebody) ooh somebody (please)
Can anybody find me somebody to love?

(He wants help)

Every day - I try and I try and I try -
But everybody wants to put me down
They say I'm goin' crazy
They say I got a lot of water in my brain
Got no common sense
(He's)I got nobody left to believe
Yeah - yeah yeah yeah


Somebody (somebody)
Can anybody find me somebody to love?
(Anybody find me someone to love)

Got no feel I got no rhythm

I just keep losing my beat (you just keep losing and losing)
I'm OK I'm alright (he's alright)
I ain't gonna face no defeat
I just gotta get out of this prison cell
One day I'm gonna be free Lord

Find me somebody to love find me somebody to love

Find me somebody to love find me somebody to love
Find me somebody to love find me somebody to love
Find me somebody to love find me somebody to love
Find me somebody to love find me somebody to love
Somebody somebody somebody somebody somebody
Find me somebody find me somebody to love
Can anybody find me somebody to love
Find me somebody to love
Find me somebody to love
Find me somebody to love
Find me find me find me
Find me somebody to love
Somebody to love
Find me somebody to love...


You don't fool me

You don't fool me...
Da, da da da dah
Da da da dah
Da da dah...

You don't fool me - those pretty eyes

That sexy smile - you don't fool me
You don't rule me - you're no surprise
You're telling lies - you don't fool me
Mmm, mama said be careful of that girl
Mama said you know that she's no good
Mama said be cool, don't you be no fool
Yup bup ba ba ba ba da da da dah!
You don't fool me
You don't fool me, you don't fool me
She'll take you
You don't fool me, and break you
You don't rule me, you don't fool me
You don't fool me, she'll take you
You don't fool me, and break you
Sooner or later you'll be playing by her rules

Baby you don't fool me, yeah

You don't fool me, you don't have to say 'don't mind'
You don't have to teach me things I know
Sooner or later you'll be playing by her rules
Oh, (fool you) oh, (rule you) she'll take you (take you)
And break you (break you)

Mama said be cool

Mama said she'll take you for a fool
She'll take you, and break you
Ba ba ba ba bap bap ba baah
La la la la la lah
You don't fool me
You don't fool me...


This could be heaven

This could be heaven
This could be heaven for everyone

In these days of cool reflection

You come to me and everything seems alright
In these days of cold affections
You sit by me - and everything's fine

This could be heave for everyone

This world could be fed, this world could be fun
This could be heaven for everyone
This world could be free, this world could be one

In this world of cool deception

Just your smile can smooth my ride
These troubled days of cruel rejection, hmm
You come to me, soothe my troubled mind

Yeah, this could be heave for everyone

This world could be fed, this world could be fun
This could be heaven for everyone, yeah
This world should be free, this world could be one
We should bring love to our daughters and sons
Love, love, love, this could be heaven for everyone
You know that
This could be heave for everyone
This could be heave for everyone

Listen - what people do to their souls

They take their lives - destroy their goals
Their basic pride and dignity
Is stripped and torn and shown to pity
When this should be heaven for everyone


Don't touch me now

Don't hold me now
Don't break the spell darling
Now you are near
Look in my eyes and speak to me
The special promises I long to hear

Las palabras de amor

Let me hear the words of love
Despacito mi amor
Love me slow and gently

One foolish world so many souls

Senselessly hurled through
The never ending cold
And all for fear and all for greed
Speak any tongue
But for God's sake we need

Las palabras de amor

Let me hear the words of love
Despacito mi amor
Let me know this night and evermore

This room is bare

This night is cold
We're far apart and I'm growing old
But while we live
We'll meet again
So then my love
We may whisper once more
It's you I adore

Las palabras de amor

Let me hear the words of love
Despacito mi amor
Touch me now
Las palabras de amor
Let us share the words of love
For evermore evermore
For evermore


Oh - everything I do I do for you

Oh yeah
We touch and you're afraid of me and
We burn and now I'm at your feet
High speed,but you know you're in safe hands
In the dark we make a brighter light
From one spark to the horizon wide
We trust and together we tame the land - yeah

You'd be forgiven if you think you're dreaming

But we're working night and day to make a dream come true
- yeah
Everything I do is driven by you
Oh - come on babe

Oh well it's tough to make a journey through

The right stuff is dead ahead of you and me
And you know we've still got time
Hold on tight to the driving wheel
This ride is really out of line
Raw deal, but there's no other that's worth a dime

You know I love you but you drive me crazy

'Cos you're saying all the things I want to say to you
You say
Everything I do is driven by you

Everything we do (4x)

Everything we do is driven by you

Inner children lost their way

Now they know the price you pay
I'm holding on to life with you
'Cos life without you just won't do

Driven by you

You know I'm never going to know who's dreaming

But we're working night and day to make a dream come true
- yeah
Everything I do is driven by you

Everything we do (8x)

Everything we do is driven by
Driven by
Driven by you

Oh - everything I do I do for you


Sometimes I feel I'm gonna break down and cry (so lonely)

Nowhere to go nothing to do with my time
I get lonely so lonely living on my own

Sometimes I feel I'm always walking too fast

And everything is coming down on me down on me
I go crazy oh so crazy living on my own

Dee do de de dee do de de

I don't have no time for no monkey business
Dee do de de dee do de de
I get so lonely lonely lonely lonely yeah
Got to be some good times ahead

Sometimes I feel nobody gives me no warning

Find my head is always up in the clouds in a dreamworld
It's not easy living on my own

Dee do de de dee do de de

I don't have no time for no monkey business
Dee do de de dee do de de
I get so lonely lonely lonely lonely yeah
Got to be some good times ahead

Dee do de de dee do de de

I don't have no time for no monkey business
Dee do de de dee do de de
I get so lonely lonely lonely lonely yeah
Got to be some good times ahead


Why don't you take another little piece of my heart

Why don't you take it and break it
And tear it all apart
All I do is give
All you do is take
Baby why don't you give me
A brand new start

So let me live (so let me live)

Let me live (leave me alone)
Let me live, oh baby
And make a brand new start

Why don't you take another little piece of my soul

Why don't you shape it and shake it 'till you're really in control
All you do is take
And all I do is give
All that I'm askin'
Is a chance to live

(So let me live) - so let me live

(Leave me alone) - let me live, let me live
Why don't you let me make a brand new start

And it's a long hard struggle

But you can always depend on me
And if you're ever in trouble - hey
You know where I will be

Why don't you take another little piece of my life

Why don't you twist it, and turn it
And cut it like a knife
All I do is live
All I do is die
Why can't we just be friends
Stop livin' a lie

So let me live (so let me live)

Let me live (leave me alone)
Please let me live
(Why don't you live a little)
Oh yeah baby
(Why don't you give a little love...?)

Let me live

Please let me live
Oh yeah baby, let me live
And make a brand new start

Take another little piece of my heart now baby

Take another little piece of my heart now baby
Take another little piece of my soul now baby
Take another little piece of my life now baby
In your heart, oh baby
(Take another piece, take another piece)
Please let me live
(Take another piece, take another piece)
Why don't you take another piece
Take another little piece of my heart
Oh yeah baby
Make a brand new start
All you do is take
Let me live


Oh yes I'm the great pretender (ooh ooh)

Pretending I'm doing well (ooh ooh)
My need is such I pretend too much
I'm lonely but no one can tell

Oh yes I'm the great pretender (ooh ooh)

Adrift in a world of my own (ooh ooh)
I play the game but to my real shame
You've left me to dream all alone

Too real is this feeling of make believe

Too real when I feel what my heart can't conceal

Ooh Ooh yes I'm the great pretender (ooh ooh)

Just laughing and gay like a clown (ooh ooh)
I seem to be what I'm not (you see)
I'm wearing my heart like a crown
Pretending that you're still around

Yeah ooh hoo

Too real when I feel what my heart can't conceal

Oh yes I'm the great pretender

Just laughing and gay like a clown (ooh ooh)
I seem to be what I'm not you see
I'm wearing my heart like a crown
Pretending that you're
Pretending that you're still around


Here we are.Born to be kings.

We're the princes of the universe.
Here we belong.Fighting to survive.
In a world with the darkest powers.
And here we are.We're the princes of the universe.
Here we belong.Fighting for survival.
We've come to be the rulers of your world.
I am immortal.I have inside me blood of kings.
I have no rival.No man can be my equal.
Take me to the future of your world.
Born to be kings.Princes of the universe.
Fighting and free.Got your world in my hand.
I'm here for your love and I'll make my stand.
We were born to be princes of the universe.
No man could understand.My power is in my own hand.
Ooh.Ooh.Ooh.Ooh.People talk about you.
People say you've had your day.
I'm a man that will go far.
Fly the moon and reach for the stars.
With my sword and head held high.
Got to pass the test first time - yeah.
I know that people talk about me I hear it every day.
But I can prove you wrong cos I'm right first time.
Yeah.Yeah.Alright.Watch this man fly.
Bring on the girls.
Here we are.Born to be kings.We're the princes of
the universe.Here we belong.Born to be kings.
Princes of the universe.Fighting and free.
Got the world in my hands.I'm here for your love.
And I'll make my stand.
We were born to be princes of the universe.


Steve walks warily down the street

With his brim pulled way down low
Ain't no sound but the sound of his feet
Machine guns ready to go

Are you ready hey are you ready for this?

Are you hanging on the edge of your seat?
Out of the doorway the bullets rip
To the sound of the beat yeah

Another one bites the dust

Another one bites the dust
And another one gone and another one gone
Another one bites the dust
Hey I'm gonna get you too
Another one bites the dust

How do you think I'm going to get along

Without you when you're gone
You took me for everything that I had
And kicked me out on my own

Are you happy are you satisfied?

How long can you stand the heat
Out of the doorway the bullets rip
To the sound of the beat look out

Another one bites the dust

Another one bites the dust
And another one gone and another one gone
Another one bites the dust
Hey I'm gonna get you too
Another one bites the dust


Oh take it - Bite the dust bite the dust
Hey Another one bites the dust
Another one bites the dust ow
Another one bites the dust he he
Another one bites the dust haaaa
Ooh shoot out

There are plenty of ways that you can hurt a man

And bring him to the ground
You can beat him
You can cheat him
You can treat him bad and leave him
When he's down
But I'm ready yes I'm ready for you
I'm standing on my own two feet
Out of the doorway the bullets rip
Repeating to the sound of the beat

Another one bites the dust

Another one bites the dust
And another one gone and another one gone
Another one bites the dust yeah
Hey I'm gonna get you too
Another one bites the dust
Shoot out


A hand above the water

An angel reaching for the sky
Is it raining in heaven -
Do you want us to cry?

And everywhere the broken-hearted

On every lonely avenue
No-one could reach them
No-one but you

One by one

Only the Good die young
They're only flying too close to the sun
And life goes on -
Without you...

Another Tricky Situation

A get to drowin' in the Blues
And I find myself thinkin'
Well - what would you do?

Yes! - it was such an operation

Forever paying every due
Hell, you made a sensation
You found a way through - and

One by one

Only the Good die young
They're only flyin' too close to the sun
We'll remember -

And now the party must be over

I guess we'll never understand
The sense of your leaving
Was it the way it was planned?

And so we grace another table

And raise our glasses one more time
There's a face at the window
And I ain't never, never sayin' goodbye...

One by one

Only the Good die young
They're only flyin' too close to the sun
Cryin' for nothing
Cryin' for no-one
No-one but you


Sometimes I get to feelin'

I was back in the old days - long ago
When we were kids when we were young
Thing seemed so perfect - you know
The days were endless we were crazy we were young
The sun was always shinin' - we just lived for fun
Sometimes it seems like lately - I just don't know
The rest of my life's been just a show

Those were the days of our lives

The bad things in life were so few
Those days are all gone now but one thing is true
When I look and I find I still love you

You can't turn back the clock you can't turn back the tide

Ain't that a shame
I'd like to go back one time on a roller coaster ride
When life was just a game
No use in sitting and thinkin' on what you did
When you can lay back and enjoy it through your kids
Sometimes it seems like lately - I just don't know
Better sit back and go with the flow

Cos these are the days of our lives

They've flown in the swiftness of time
These days are all gone now but some things remain
When I look and I find no change

Those were the days of our lives - yeah

The bad things in life were so few
Those days are all gone now but one thing's still true
When I look and I find
I still love you

I still love you


Oh my love we've had our share of tears

Oh my friend we've had our hopes and fears
Oh my friends it's been a long hard year
But now it's Christmas
Yes it's Christmas
Thank God it's Christmas

The moon and stars seem awful cold and bright

Let's hope the snow will make this Christmas right
My friend the world will share this special night
Because it's Christmas
Yes it's Christmas
Thank God it's Christmas
For one night

Thank God it's Christmas yeah

Thank God it's Christmas
Thank God it's Christmas
Can it be Christmas?
Let it be Christmas
Ev'ry day

Oh my love we've lived in troubled days

Oh my friend we have the strangest ways
All my friends on this one day of days
Thank God it's Christmas
Yes it's Christmas
Thank God it's Christmas
For one day

Thank God it's Christmas

Yes it's Christmas
Thank God it's Christmas
Oooh yeah
Thank God it's Christmas
Yes yes yes yes it's Christmas
Thank God it's Christmas
For one day

A very merry Christmas to you all

28 mai 2010

Queen Rocks

Queen Rocks


Buddy you're a boy make a big noise

Playin' in the street gonna be a big man some day
You got mud on yo' face
You big disgrace
Kickin' your can all over the place

'We will we will rock you

We will we will rock you'

Buddy you're a young man hard man

Shoutin' in the street gonna take on the world some day
You got blood on yo' face
You big disgrace
Wavin' your banner all over the place

'We will we will rock you'

'We will we will rock you'

Buddy you're an old man poor man

Pleadin' with your eyes gonna make you some peace some day
You got mud on your face
You big disgrace
Somebody better put you back into your place

'We will we will rock you'

'We will we will rock you'
'We will we will rock you'
'We will we will rock you'


Get your party gown and get your pigtail down

And get your heart beatin' baby
Got my timin' right I got my act all tight

It's gotta be tonight

My little school babe
Your momma says you don't
And your daddy says you won't
And I'm boilin' up inside
Ain't no way I'm gonna lose out this time

Tie your mother down

Tie your mother down
Lock your daddy out of doors
I don't need him nosin' around
Tie your mother down
Tie your mother down
Give me all your love tonight

'You're such a dirty louse go get outa my house'

That's all I ever get from your family ties
In fact I don't think I ever heard
A single little civil word from those guys
I don't give a light
I'm gonna make out all right
I've got a sweetheart hand
To put a stop to all that
Snipin' and grousin'

Tie your mother down

Tie your mother down
Take your little brother swimmin'
With a brick that's all right
Tie your mother down
Tie your mother down
Or you ain't no friend of mine

Your momma and your daddy

Gonna plague me till I die
I can't understand it
'Cause I'm a peace lovin' guy
Tie your mother down
Tie your mother down
Get that big big big big big big
Daddy out the door
Tie your mother down yeah
Tie your mother down
Give me all your love tonight
All your love tonight


Adventure seeker on an empty street

Just an alley creeper light on his feet
A young fighter screaming with no time for doubt
With the pain and anger can't see a way out
It ain't much I'm asking I heard him say
Gotta find me a future move out of my way
I want it all I want it all I want it all and I want it now
I want it all I want it all I want it all and I want it now

Listen all you people come gather round

I gotta get me a game plan gotta shake you to the ground
Just give me what I know is mine
People do you hear me just give me the sign
It ain't much I'm asking if you want the truth
Here's to the future for the dreams of youth
I want it all (give it all) I want it all I want it all and I want it now
I want it all (yes I want it all) I want it all (hey)
I want it all and I want it now

I'm a man with a one track mind

So much to do in one life time (people do you hear me)
Not a man for compromise and where's and why's and living lies
So I'm living it all (yes I'm living it all)
And I'm giving it all (and I'm giving it all)

Yeah yeah

Yeah yeah yeah yeah
I want it all all all all

It ain't much I'm asking if you want the truth

Here's to the future
Hear the cry of youth (hear the cry hear the cry of youth)
I want it all I want it all I want it all and I want it now
I want it all (yeah yeah yeah) I want it all I want it all and I
want it now

I want it

I want it I want it


Fear me you lord and lady preachers

I descend upon your earth from the skies
I command your very souls you unbelievers
Bring before me what is mine
The seven seas of Rhye

Can you hear me you peers and privy councillors

I stand before you naked to the eyes
I will destroy any man who dares abuse my trust
I swear that you'll be mine
At the seven seas of Rhye

Sister I live and lie for you

Mister do and I'll die
You are mine I possess you
Belong to you forever

Storm the master marathon I'll fly through

By flash and thunder fire I'll survive
I'll survive I'll survive
Then I'll defy the laws of nature
And come out alive

Begone with you you shod and shady senators

Give out the good leave out the bad evil cries
I challenge the mighty titan and his troubadours
And with a smile
I'll take you to the seven seas of Rhye


I can't live with you

But I can't live without you
I can't let you stay
Ooh but I can't live if you go away
I don't know just how it goes
All I know is I can't live with you

Yeah I'm having a hard time

I'm walking a fine line between hope and despair
You may think that I don't care
But I travelled a long road to get hold of my sorrow
I tried to catch a dream
But nothing's what it seems
Love is saying baby it's all right
When deep inside you're really petrified
Lover turns to hater
On this escalator

I can't live with you - yeah

But I can't live without you
I can't breathe if you stay
But I can't bear you to go away
I don't know what time it is
All I know is I can't live with you

We're stuck in a bad place

We're trapped in a rat race
And we can't escape
Maybe there's been some mistake
We're trying to make a high score
We're walking through a closed door
And nobody's winning
We're just sinning against ourselves

Hold on baby tell me it's all right

Anger's breaking from the hurt inside
Passions screaming hotter
Doin' what we gotta do - yeah

I can't live with you I can't live with you

I can't live I can't live
I can't I can't live with you
But baby I'll never ever leave you

I can't live with you

But I can't live without you
Cause I'm in love with you
Ooh and everything about you

I can't live with you

No I just can't live I just can't live
I can't live with you
Yeah and I can't live without you
Through the madness through the tears
We've still got each other
For a million years - yeah

Ooh yeah

Yeah - I can't live without you - yeah yeah
I can't live without you
Yeah yeah oh oh oh
I can't live without you
I can't live without you
I can't live without you
Oh oh I can't live without you baby baby baby
Without you
I can't live without you


Here we stand or here we fall

History won't care at all
Make the bed light the light
Lady Mercy won't be home tonight yeah

You don't waste no time at all

Don't hear the bell but you answer the call
It comes to you as to us all
We're just waiting
For the hammer to fall

Oh ev'ry night and every day

A little piece of you is falling away
But lift your face the Western Way
Build your muscles as your body decays yeah

Toe your line and play their game yeah

Let the anaesthetic cover it all
Till one day they call your name
You know it's time for the hammer to fall

Rich or poor or famous

For your truth it's all the same (oh no oh no)
Lock your door the rain is pouring
Through your window pane (oh no)
Baby now your struggle's all in vain

For we who grew up tall and proud

In the shadow of the mushroom cloud
Convinced our voices can't be heard
We just wanna scream it louder and louder louder

What the hell we fighting for?

Just surrender and it won't hurt at all
You just got time to say your prayers
While your waiting for the hammer to hammer to fall

It's gonna fall know..hammer to fall
Waiting for the hammer to fall now baby
While you're waiting for the hammer to fall

Give it to me one more time


Sleeping very soundly on a Saturday morning

I was dreaming I was Al Capone
There's a rumour going round
Gotta clear outa town
I'm smelling like a dry fish bone
Here come the law gonna break down the door
Gonna carry me away once more
Never never I never want it anymore
Gotta get away from this stone cold floor
Crazy stone cold crazy you know

Rainy afternoon I gotta blow a typhoon

And I'm playing on my slide trombone
Anymore anymore cannot take it anymore
Gotta get away from this stone cold floor
Crazy stone cold crazy you know

Walking down the street

Shooting people that I meet
With my rubber Tommy water gun
Here come the deputy
He's gonna come and get me
I gotta get me up and run
They got the sirens loose
I ran right outa juice
They're gonna put me in a cell
If I can't go to heaven
Will they let me go to hell?
Crazy stone cold crazy you know


Here I stand (here I stand..)

Look around around around around
(Around around around around..)
But you won't see me (you won't see me..)
Now I'm here (now I'm here..)
Now I'm there (now I'm there..)
I'm just a just a new man
Yes you made me live again

A baby I was when you took my hand

And the light of the night burned bright
And the people all stared didn't understand
But you knew my name on sight
Whatever came of you and me?
America's new bride to be
Don't worry baby I'm safe and sound
Down in the dungeon just Peaches and me
Don't I love her so?
Yes she made me live again Yeah!

A thin moon me in the smoke screen sky

Where the beams of your love light chase
Don't move don't speak don't feel no pain
With the rain running down my face
Your matches still light up the sky
And many a tear lives on in my eye
Down in the city just Hoople and me
Don't I love him so don't I love him so?

Whatever comes of you and me

I love to leave my memories with you

Now I'm here (now I'm here.)

Think I'll stay around around around
(Around around around around..)
Down in the city just you and me
(Down in the city just you and me..)

Don't I love you so?

Go Go Go Little Queenie


Are you gonna take me home tonight

Ah down beside that red firelight
Are you gonna let it all hang out
Fat bottomed girls
You make the rockin' world go round

Hey I was just a skinny lad

Never knew no good from bad
But I knew life before I left my nursery
Left alone with big fat Fanny
She was such a naughty nanny
Heap big woman you made a bad boy out of me
Hey hey!

I've been singing with my band

Across the wire across the land
I seen ev'ry blue eyed floozy on the way
But their beauty and their style
Went kind of smooth after a while
Take me to them dirty ladies every time

Oh won't you take me home tonight?

Oh down beside your red firelight
Oh and you give it all you got
Fat bottomed girls you make the rockin' world go round
Fat bottomed girls you make the rockin' world go round

Hey listen here

Now your mortgages and homes
I got stiffness in the bones
Ain't no beauty queens in this locality (I tell you)
Oh but I still get my pleasure
Still got my greatest treasure
Heap big woman you gonna make a big man out of me
Now get this

Oh you gonna take me home tonight (please)

Oh down beside your red firelight
Oh you gonna let it all hang out
Fat bottomed girls you make the rockin' world go round
Fat bottomed girls you make the rockin' world go round
Get on your bikes and ride

Oooh yeah them fat bottomed girls

Fat bottomed girls
Yeah yeah yeah
Fat bottomed girls
Yes yes


I was told a million times

Of all the troubles in my way
Tried to grow a little wiser
Little better ev'ry day
But if I crossed a million rivers
And I rode a million miles
Then I'd still be where I started
Bread and butter for a smile
Well I sold a million mirrors
In a shop in Alley Way
But I never saw my face
In any window any day
Well they say your folks are telling you
To be a superstar
But I tell you just be satisfied
To stay right where you are

Keep yourself alive keep yourself alive

It'll take you all your time and a money
Honey you'll survive

Well I've loved a million women

In a belladonic haze
And I ate a million dinners
Brought to me on silver trays
Give me ev'rything I need
To feed my body and my soul
And I'll grow a little bigger
Maybe that can be my goal
I was told a million times
Of all the people in my way
How I had to keep on trying
And get better ev'ry day
But if I crossed a million rivers
And I rode a million miles
Then I'd still be where I started
Same as when I started

Keep yourself alive keep yourself alive

It'll take you all your time and a money
Honey you'll survive

Keep yourself alive

Keep yourself alive
It'll take you all your time and a money
To keep me satisfied
Do you think you're better ev'ry day?
No I think I'm two steps nearer to my grave
Keep yourself alive
Keep yourself alive mm
You take your time and take more money
Keep yourself alive
Keep yourself alive
Keep yourself alive
All you people keep yourself alive
Keep yourself alive
Keep yourself alive
It'll take you all your time and money
To keep me satisfied
Keep yourself alive
Keep yourself alive
All you people keep yourself alive
Take you all your time and money
Honey you'll survive

Keep you satisfied

Keep you satisfied


Are you ready? - well are you ready?

We're gonna tear it up
Yeah yeah yeah yeah


Give me your mind baby give me your body
Give me some time baby let's have a party
It ain't no time for sleepin' baby
Soon it's round your street I'm creeping
You'd better be ready

We gonna Tear it up

Stir it up
Break it up - baby

You gonna Tear it up

Shake it up
Make it up - as you go along

Tear it up

Square it up
Wake it up - baby

Tear it up

Stir it up
Stake it out - and you can't go wrong

(Hey listen)

I love you 'cos you're sweet and I love you 'cos you're
I love you for your mind baby give me your body
I wanna be a toy at your birthday party
Wind me up - wind me up - wind me up - let me go

Tear it up

Stir it up
Break it up - let me go

Tear it up

Shake it up
Make it up - as you go along

Tear it up

Turn it up
Burn it up

Are you ready?(Oh yeah)

Baby baby baby are you ready for me?(Oh yeah)
Baby baby baby are you ready for love?(Oh yeah)
Are you ready - are you ready - are you ready for me?(Oh
I love you so near I love you so far
I gotta tell you baby you're driving me Ga Ga


(God works in mysterious ways)

One man one goal one mission

One heart one goal just one solution
One flash of light yeah one god one vision

One flesh one bone

One true religion
One voice one hope
One real decision
Wowowowo gimme one vision

No wrong no right

I'm gonna tell you there's no black and no white
No blood no stain
All we need is one world wide vision

One flesh one bone

One true religion
One race one hope
One real decision
Wowowowo oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah

I had a dream

When I was young
A dream of sweet illusion
A glimpse of hope and unity
And visions of one sweet union
But a cold wind blows
And a dark rain falls
And in my heart it shows
Look what they've done to my dreams

So give me your hands

Give me your hearts
I'm ready
There's only one direction
One world one nation
Yeah one vision

No hate no fight

Just excitation
All through the night
It's a celebration wowowowo yeah

One one one one...

One vision...

One flesh one bone

One true religion
One voice one hope
One real decision

Gimme one light

Gimme one hope
Just gimme
One man one man
One bar one night
One day hey hey
Just gimme gimme gimme gimme
Fried chicken


Well you're just 17 and all you want to do is disappear

You know what I mean there's a lot of space between your
The way that you touch don't feel no nothin'
Hey hey hey hey it was the D.N.A.
Hey hey hey hey that made me this way
Do you know do you know do you know just how I feel?
Do you know do you know do you know just how I feel?

Sheer heart attack

Sheer heart attack
Real cardiac

I feel so in-ar in-ar in-ar in-ar in-ar in-ar in-ar in-ar-tic-u-late

Gotta feelin' gotta feelin' gotta feelin' like a paralyse

It ain't no it ain't no it ain't no it ain't no surprise
Turn on the TV let it drip right down in your eyes
Hey hey hey hey it was the D.N.A.
Hey hey hey hey that made me this way
Do you know do you know do you know just how I feel?
Do you know do you know do you know just how I feel?

Sheer heart attack

Sheer heart attack
Real cardiac

I feel so in-ar in-ar in-ar in-ar in-ar in-ar in-ar in-ar-tic-u-late

Just how I feel

Do you know do you know do you know do you know just
how I feel?

Do you know do you know do you know just how I feel?

Do you know do you know do you know do you know just
how I feel?

Sheer heart attack

Sheer heart attack
Real cardiac


The machine of a dream

Such a clean machine
With the pistons a pumpin'
And the hub caps all gleam

When I'm holdin' your wheel

All I hear is your gear
When my hand's on your grease gun
Oh it's like a disease son

I'm in love with my car

Gotta feel for my automobile
Get a grip on my boy racer rollbar
Such a thrill when your radials squeal

Told my girl I'll have to forget her

Rather buy me a new carburetor
So she made tracks sayin'
This is the end now
Cars don't talk back
They're just four wheeled friends now

When I'm holdin your wheel

All I hear is your gear
When I'm cruisin' in overdrive
Don't have to listen to no run of the mill talk jive

I'm in love with my car

Gotta feel for my automobile
I'm in love with my car
String back gloves in my automolove


They called him a hero

In the land of the free
But he wouldn't shake my hand boy
He disappointed me
So I got my hand gun
And I blew him away
That critter was a bad guy
And I had to make him pay

You might fear for my reason

I don't care what they say
Look out baby it's the season
For the mad masquerade
Put out the fire put out the fire put out the fire
Oh you need a bullet like a hole in the head
Put out the fire put out the fire put out the fire
Don't believe what your grand-daddy said

She was my lover

It was a shame that she died
But the constitution's right on my side
'Cause I caught my lover in the neighbours bed
I got retribution
Filled 'em all full of lead

I've been told it's the fashion

To let me on the streets again
It's nothing but a crime of passion
And I'm not to blame
Put out the fire put out the fire put out the fire
You need a weapon like a hole in the head
Put out the fire put out the fire baby put out the fire
And let your sons and daughters sleep sound in their beds

You know a gun never killed nobody

You can ask anyone
People get shot by people
People with guns
Put out the fire put out the fire put out the fire
You need a gun like a hole in the head
Put out the fire put out the fire put out the fire
Just tell me that old fashioned gun law is dead

Shoot shoot..


And you're rushing headlong you've got a new goal

And you're rushing headlong out of control
And you think you're so strong
But there ain't no stopping
And there's nothin' you can do about it
Nothin' you can do no there's nothin' you can do about it
No there's nothin you can nothin' you can nothin' you can do about it

And you're rushing headlong you've got a new goal

And you're rushing headlong out of control
And you think you're so strong
But there ain't no stopping no there's nothin' you can do
about it

Hey he used to be a man with a stick in his hand

Hoop diddy diddy - hoop diddy do
She used to be a woman with a hot dog stand
Hoop diddy diddy - hoop diddy do
Now you've got soup in the laundry bag
Now you've got strings you're gonna lose your rag
You're gettin' in a fight
Then it ain't so groovy when you're screaming in the night
Let me out of this cheap B movie

Headlong down the highway and you're rushing

Headlong out of control
And you think you're so strong
But there ain't no stopping and you can't stop rockin'
And there's nothin you can nothin' you can nothin' you can do about it

When a red hot man meets a white hot lady

Hoop diddy diddy - hoop diddy do
Soon the fire starts raging gets you more than half crazy
Hoop diddy diddy - hoop diddy do
Now they start freaking everywhere you turn
You can't start walking cause your feet got burned
It ain't no time to figure wrong from right
Cause reason's out of the window better hold on tight

You're rushing headlong

Headlong out of control - yeah
And you think you're so strong
But there ain't no stopping
And there's nothin you nothin' you nothin' you can do about it at all

Yeah yeah

Alright - go

And you're rushing headlong down the highway

And you're rushing headlong out of control
And you think you're so strong
But there ain't no stopping
There's nothin nothin' nothin' you can do about it

Ah ha

Yeah yeah yeah


gnoldeaH gnoldeaH gnoldeaH gnoldeaH


You say you love me

And I hardly know your name
And if I say I love you in the candlelight
There's no one but myself to blame
But there's something inside
That's turning my mind away
Oh how I could love you
If I could let you stay

It's late - but I'm bleeding deep inside

It's late - is it just my sickly pride?
Too late - even now the feeling seems to steal away
So late - though I'm crying I can't help but hear you say
It's late it's late it's late
But not too late

The way you love me

Is the sweetest love around
But after all this time
The more I'm trying
The more I seem to let you down
Now you tell me you're leaving
And I just can't believe it's true
Oh you know that I can love you
Though I know I can't be true
Oh you made me love you
Don't tell me that we're through

It's late - but it's driving me so mad

It's late - yes I know but don't try to tell me that it's
Too late - save our love you can't turn out the lights
So late - I've been wrong but I'll learn to be right
It's late it's late it's late
But not too late

- I've been so long

- You've been so long
- We've been so long tryin' to work it out
- I ain't got long


A hand above the water

An angel reaching for the sky
Is it raining in heaven -
Do you want us to cry?

And everywhere the broken-hearted

On every lonely avenue
No-one could reach them
No-one but you

One by one

Only the Good die young
They're only flying too close to the sun
And life goes on -
Without you...

Another Tricky Situation

A get to drowin' in the Blues
And I find myself thinkin'
Well - what would you do?

Yes! - it was such an operation

Forever paying every due
Hell, you made a sensation
You found a way through - and

One by one

Only the Good die young
They're only flyin' too close to the sun
We'll remember -

And now the party must be over

I guess we'll never understand
The sense of your leaving
Was it the way it was planned?

And so we grace another table

And raise our glasses one more time
There's a face at the window
And I ain't never, never sayin' goodbye...

One by one

Only the Good die young
They're only flyin' too close to the sun
Cryin' for nothing
Cryin' for no-one
No-one but you

28 mai 2010

Made in Heaven

Made in Heaven


It's a beautiful day

The sun is shining
I feel good
And no-one's gonna to stop me now, oh yeah

It's a beautiful day

I feel good, I feel right
And no-one, no-one's gonna stop me now, mama

Sometimes I feel so sad, so sad, so bad

But no-one's gonna stop me now, no-one
It's hopeless, so hopeless to even try


I'm taking my ride with destiny

Willing to play my part
Living with painful memories
Loving with all my heart

Made in heaven, made in heaven

It was all meant to be, yeah
Made in heaven, made in heaven
That's what they say
Can't you see
That's what everybody says to me
Can't you see
Oh I know, I know, I know that it's true
Yes it's really meant to be
Deep in my heart

I'm having to learn to pay the price

They're turning me upside down
Waiting for possibilities
Don't see too many around

Made in heaven, made in heaven

It's for all to see
Made in heaven, made in heaven
That's what everybody says
Everybody says to me
It was really meant to be
Oh can't you see
Yeah everybody, everybody says
Yes it was meant to be
Yeah yeah

When stormy weather comes around

It was made in heaven
When sunny skies break through behind the clouds
I wish it could last forever, yeah
Wish it could last forever, forever

Made in heaven

I'm playing my role in history
Looking to find my goal
Taking in all this misery
But giving it all my soul

Made in heaven, made in heaven

It was all meant to be
Made in heaven, made in heaven
That's what everybody says
Wait and see, it was really meant to be
So plain to see
Yeah, everybody, everybody, everybody tells me so
Yes it was plain to see, yes it was meant to be
Written in the stars...
Written in the stars...
Written in the stars...


Three four

Take a piece of my heart
Take a piece of my soul
Let me live
Oh yeah

Why don't you take another little piece of my heart

Why don't you take it and break it
And tear it all apart
All I do is give
And all you do is take
Baby why don't you give me
A brand new start

So let me live (So let me live)

Let me live (Leave me alone)
Let me live, oh baby
And make a brand new start

Why don't you take another little piece of my soul

Why don't you shape it and shake it
'Til you're really in control
All you do is take
And all I do is give
All that I'm askin'
Is a chance to live

(So let me live) - So let me live

(Leave me alone) - Let me live, let me live
Why don't you let me make a brand new start

Yeah, and it's a long hard struggle, yeah yeah

But you can always depend on me
And if you're ever in trouble - hey
You know where I will be

Why don't you take another little piece of my life

Why don't you twist it and turn it
And cut it like a knife
All you do is live
All I do is die
Why can't we just be friends
Stop livin' a lie

So let me live (So let me live)

Let me live (Leave me alone)
Please let me live
(Why don't you live a little)
Oh yeah baby
(Why don't you give a little love...?)
Go for it baby

Let me live

Please let me live
Oh yeah baby, let me live
And make a brand new start
Let me live (Let me live)
Ooh yeah (Let me live)
Come on (Let me live ooh)

In your heart, oh baby

(Take another piece, take another piece)
(Take another piece, take another piece)
Ooh please let me live
(Take another piece, take another piece)
(Take another piece, take another piece)
Why don't you take another piece
Take another little piece of my heart
Oh yeah baby
Make a brand new start
Baby baby
Baby baby
Baby baby
Baby baby
All you do is take, take
Let me live
(Let me live)
Oh yeah let
Let me live


I don't want to sleep with you

I don't need the passion too
I don't want a stormy affair
To make me feel my life is heading somewhere
All I want is the comfort and care
Just to know that my woman gives me sweet -
Mother love ah ha

I've walked too long in this lonely lane

I've had enough of this same old game
I'm a man of the world and they say that I'm strong
But my heart is heavy, and my hope is gone

Out in the city, in the cold world outside

I don't want pity, just a safe place to hide
Mama please, let me back inside

I don't want to make no waves

But you can give me all the love that I crave
I can't take it if you see me cry
I long for peace before I die
All I want is to know that you're there
You're gonna give me all your sweet -
Mother love ah ha (mother love)

My body's aching, but I can't sleep

My dreams are all the company I keep
Got such a feeling as the sun goes down
I'm coming home to my sweet -
Mother love

(Mother love mother love love love love love)

God works in mysterious ways
Eeeeh dop, de dop, dep dop
I think I'm goin' back to the things I learnt so well in my youth


This is where we are today

People going separate ways
This is the way things are now
In disarray
I read it in the papers
There's death on every page
Oh Lord, I thank the Lord above
My life has been saved, eaah eah

Here we go

Tellin' lies
Here we go - here we go

We're right back where we started from

People going separate ways
This is the way things are now
In disarray - hey
I read it in the papers
There's death on every page
Aah - oh Lord, I thank you from above
My life has been saved
Ooh ooh ooh ooh my life
My life has been saved
Ooh my my life
My life has been saved


I was born to love you

With every single beat of my heart
Yes, I was born to take care of you, ha
Every single day...
Alright, hey hey

I was born to love you

With every single beat of my heart
Yes, I was born to take care of you
Every single day of my life

You are the one for me

I am the man for you
You we're made for me
You're my ecstasy
If I was given every opportunity
I'd kill for your love

So take a chance with me

Let me romance with you
I'm caught in a dream
And my dream's come true
So hard to believe
This is happening to me
An amazing feeling
Comin' through -

I was born to love you

With every single beat of my heart
Yes, I was born to take care of you, honey
Every single day of my life

I wanna love you

I love every little thing about you
I wanna love you, love you, love you
Born - to love you
Born - to love you
Yes I was born to love you
Born - to love you
Born - to love you
Every single day - day of my life

An amazing feeling

Comin' through

I was born to love you

With every single beat of my heart
Yeah, I was born to take care of you
Every single day of my life
Yeah I was born to love you
Every single day of my life

Go, woh, I love you babe, hey

Born to love you
Yes, I was born to love you hey
I wanna love you, love you, love you
I wanna love you
Yeah yeah
Ha ha ha ha ha it's magic
What ha ha ha
I get so lonely, lonely, lonely, lonely, yeah
I want to love you
It's magic
Love you, love you
Yeah, give it to me


This could be heaven

This could be heaven
This could be heaven
This could be heaven
This could be heaven for everyone
This could be heaven
This could be heaven
This could be heaven
This could be heaven for everyone

In these days of cool reflection (reflection)

You come to me and everything seems alright
In these days of cold affections
You sit by me - and everything's fine

This could be heaven for everyone

This world could be fed, this world could be fun
This could be heaven for everyone
This world could be free, this world could be one

In this world of cool deception

Just your smile can smooth my ride
These troubled days of cruel rejection, hmm
You come to me, soothe my troubled mind

Yeah, this could be heaven for everyone

This world could be fed, (yeah) this world could be fun
This should be love for everyone, yeah
This world should be free, (yeah) this world could be one
We should bring love to our daughters and sons
Love, love, love, this could be heaven for everyone
You know that
This could be heaven for everyone yes
Ha ha haa
This could be heaven for everyone, yea he he he - woh
Heaven for everyone

Listen - what people do to other souls

They take their lives - destroy their goals
Their basic pride and dignity
Is stripped and torn and shown no pity
When this should be heaven for everyone

This could be heaven

This could be heaven
This could be heaven for everyone
This could be heaven wooh
Could be heaven for everyone
This could be heaven
This could be heaven
This could be heaven
Could be heaven for everyone
This could be heaven
This could be heaven
This could be heaven
Could be heaven for everyone
This could be heaven
This could be heaven for everyone
This could be heaven ooh
Could be heaven for everyone
This could be heaven
This could be heaven
This could be heaven
This could be heaven
This could be heaven
Love love love love love
This could be heaven
This could be heaven
This could be heaven
This could be heaven
For everyone
For everyone


I'm just the pieces of the man I used to be

Too many bitter tears are raining down on me
I'm far away from home
And I've been facing this alone
For much too long
Oh, I feel like no-one ever told the truth to me
About growing up and what a struggle it would be
In my tangled state of mind
I've been looking back to find
Where I went wrong

Too much love will kill you

If you can't make up your mind
Torn between the lover
And the love you leave behind
You're headed for disaster
'Cos you never read the signs
Too much love will kill you - every time

I'm just the shadow of the man I used to be

And it seems like there's no way out of this for me
I used to bring you sunshine
Now all I ever do is bring you down
Ooh, how would it be if you were standing in my shoes
Can't you see that it's impossible to choose
No there's no making sense of it
Every way I go I'm bound to lose
Oh yes,

Too much love will kill you

Just as sure as none at all
It'll drain the power that's in you
Make you plead and scream and crawl
And the pain will make you crazy
You're the victim of your crime
Too much love will kill you - every time

Yes, too much love will kill you

It'll make your life a lie
Yes, too much love will kill you
And you won't understand why
You'd give your life, you'd sell your soul
But here it comes again
Too much love will kill you
In the end
In the end


Oh oh...

You don't fool me, you don't fool me

You don't fool me, you don't fool me
You don't fool me

You don't fool me, you don't fool me

You don't fool me, you don't fool me
You don't fool me

Da da da da dah

Da da da dah
Da da dah ah

You don't fool me - those pretty eyes

That sexy smile - you don't fool me, uh
You don't rule me - you're no surprise
You're telling lies - hey, you don't fool me
Mmm, mama said be careful of that girl
Mama said you know that she's no good
Mama said be cool, don't you be no fool
Yup bup ba ba ba ba da da da dah
You don't fool me
You don't fool me
You don't fool me, she'll take you
You don't fool me, and break you
You don't fool me, and break you
Sooner or later you'll be playing by her rules

Baby you don't fool me, yeah

You don't fool me, you don't have to say 'don't mind'

You don't have to teach me things I know
Sooner or later you'll be playing by her rules
Oh (fool you) oh (rule you) she'll take you (take you)
And break you (break you)

Mama said be cool

Mama said she'll take you for a fool
She'll take you and break you
Ba ba ba ba ba bah bah bah da da dah dah dah

Na na na na nah

Na na na nah
Na na nah ah
You don't fool me, you don't fool me
Na na na na nah (you don't fool me, you don't fool me)
Na na na nah (you don't fool me, you don't fool me)
Na na nah ah (you don't fool me, you don't fool me)

Na na na na nah (you don't fool me, you don't fool me)

Na na na nah (you don't fool me, you don't fool me)
Na na nah ah (you don't fool me, you don't fool me)

Na na na na nah (you don't fool me, you don't fool me)

Na na na nah (you don't fool me, you don't fool me)
Na na nah ah (you don't fool me, you don't fool me)

You don't fool me


It's winter-fall

Read skies are gleaming, oh
Sea-gulls are flyin' over
Swans are floatin' by
Smoking chimney-tops
Am I dreaming
Am I dreaming...?

The nights draw in

There's a silky moon up in the sky, yeah
Children are fantasising
Grown-ups are standin' by
What a super feeling
Am I dreaming
Am I dreaming...?

(Dreaming) So quiet and peaceful

(Dreaming) Tranquil and blissful
(Dreaming) There's a kind of magic in the air
(Dreaming) What a truly magnificent view
(Dreaming) A breathtaking scene
With the dreams of the world
In the palm of your hand

(Dreaming) A cosy fireside chat

(Dreaming) A little this, a little that
(Dreaming) Sound of merry laughter skippin' by
(Dreaming) Gentle rain beatin' on my face
(Dreaming) What an extraordinary place!
And the dream of the child
Is the hope of the, hope of the man

It's all so beautiful

Like a landscape painting in the sky, yeah
Mountains are zoomin' higher, uh
Little girls scream an' cry
My world is spinnin' and spinnin' and spinnin'
It's unbelievable
Sends me reeling
Am I dreaming
Am I dreaming...?

Oooh - it's bliss


It's a beautiful day

The sun is shining
I feel good
And no-one's gonna to stop me now, oh yeah.

It's a beautiful day

I feel good, I feel right
I feel good, I feel right
And no-one, no-one's gonna stop me now
No-one's gonna stop me now
No-one's gonna stop me now yeah
No-one's gonna stop me now no no no

No-one's gonna stop me now

No-one's gonna stop me now

No-one, no-one, no-one's gonna stop me now


No-one's gonna stop me now

No-one's gonna stop me now yeah no no no

No-one's gonna stop me now

No-one's gonna stop me now
No-one, no-one

28 mai 2010

At the BBC

At the BBC


In the land where horses born with eagle wings
And honey bees have lost their stings
There's singing forever
Lions den with fallow deer
And rivers made from wines so clear
Flow on and on forever
Dragons fly like sparrows thru' the air
And baby lambs where Samson dares
To go on on on on on on

My fairy king can see things
He rules the air and turns the tides
That are not there for you and me
Ooh yeah he guides the winds

My fairy king can do right and nothing wrong
Then came man to savage in the night
To run like thieves and to kill like knives
To take away the power from the magic hand
To bring about the ruin of the promised land

They turn the milk into sour
Like the blue in the blood of my veins
Why can't you see it
Fire burnin' in hell with the cry of screaming rain
Son of heaven set me free and let me go
Sea turn dry no salt from sand
Seasons fly no helping hand
Teeth don't shine like pearls for poor man's eyes

Someone someone just drained the colour from my wings
Broken my fairy circle ring
And shamed the king in all his pride
Changed the wings and wronged the tides
Mother mercury mercury
Look what they've done to me
I cannot run I cannot hide


I was told a million times
Of all the troubles in my way
Tried to grow a little wiser
Little better ev'ry day
But if I crossed a million rivers
And I rode a million miles
Then I'd still be where I started
Bread and butter for a smile
Well I sold a million mirrors
In a shop in Alley Way
But I never saw my face
In any window any day
Well they say your folks are telling you
To be a superstar
But I tell you just be satisfied
To stay right where you are

Keep yourself alive keep yourself alive
It'll take you all your time and a money
Honey you'll survive

Well I've loved a million women
In a belladonic haze
And I ate a million dinners
Brought to me on silver trays
Give me ev'rything I need
To feed my body and my soul
And I'll grow a little bigger
Maybe that can be my goal
I was told a million times
Of all the people in my way
How I had to keep on trying
And get better ev'ry day
But if I crossed a million rivers
And I rode a million miles
Then I'd still be where I started
Same as when I started

Keep yourself alive keep yourself alive
It'll take you all your time and a money
Honey you'll survive

Keep yourself alive
Keep yourself alive
It'll take you all your time and a money
To keep me satisfied
Do you think you're better ev'ry day?
No I think I'm two steps nearer to my grave
Keep yourself alive
Keep yourself alive mm
You take your time and take more money
Keep yourself alive
Keep yourself alive
Keep yourself alive
All you people keep yourself alive
Keep yourself alive
Keep yourself alive
It'll take you all your time and money
To keep me satisfied
Keep yourself alive
Keep yourself alive
All you people keep yourself alive
Take you all your time and money
Honey you'll survive

Keep you satisfied
Keep you satisfied


Yesterday my life was in ruin
Now today I know what I'm doing
Got a feeling I should be doing all right
Doing all right

Where will I be this time tomorrow?
Jumped in joy or sinking in sorrow
Anyway I should be doing all right
Doing all right

Should be waiting for the sun
Looking round to find the words to say
Should be waiting for the skies to clear
There ain't time in all the world

Should be waiting for the sun
And anyway I've got to hide away

Yesterday my life was in ruin
Now today God knows what I'm doing
Anyway I should be doing all right
Doing all right

Doing all right


I have sinned dear Father Father I have sinned
Try and help me Father
Won't you let me in? Liar
Nobody believes me Liar
Why don't they leave me alone?
Sire I have stolen stolen many times
Raised my voice in anger
When I know I never should
Liar oh ev'rybody deceives me
Liar why don't you leave me alone

Liar I have sailed the seas
Liar from Mars to Mercury
Liar I have drunk the wine
Liar time after time
Liar you're lying to me
Liar you're lying to me
Father please forgive me
You know you'll never leave me
Please will you direct me in the right way
Liar liar liar liar
Liar that's what they keep calling me
Liar liar liar

Listen are you gonna listen
Mama I'm gonna be your slave
All day long
Mama I'm gonna try behave
All day long
Mama I'm gonna be your slave
All day long
I'm gonna serve you till your dying day
All day long
I'm gonna keep you till your dying day
All day long
I'm gonna kneel down by your side and pray
All day long and pray
All day long and pray
All day long and pray
All day long all day long all day long
All day long all day long all day long

All day long all day long all day long
Liar liar they never ever let you win
Liar liar everything you do is sin
Liar nobody believes you
Liar they bring you down before you begin
Now let me tell you this
Now you know you could be dead before they let you


Now once upon a time
An old man told me a fable
When the piper is gone
And the soup is cold on the table
And if the black crow flies
To find a new destination
That is the sign

Come tonight
Come to the ogre site
Come to the ogre battle fight

He gives a great big cry
And he can swallow up the ocean
With a mighty tongue he catches flies
And the palm of his hand incredible size
One great big eye has to focus in your direction
Now the battle is on
Yeah yeah yeah!

Come tonight
Come to the ogre site
Come to the ogre battle fight

Ah ah ah ah ah
The ogre men are still inside
The two way mirror mountain
You gotta keep down
Right out of sight
You can't see in but they can see out
Keep a look out
The ogre men are coming out
From the two way mirror mountain
They're running up behind
And they're coming all about
Can't go east 'cause you gotta go south

Ogre men are coming home
The great big fight is over
Bugle blow let trumpet cry
Ogre battle lives for ever more
You can come along
You can come along
Come to ogre battle


Great King Rat died today
Born on the twenty first of May
Died syphilis forty four on his birthday
Every second word he swore
Yes he was the son of a whore
Always wanted by the law

Wouldn't you like to know?
Wouldn't you like to know people?
Great King Rat was a dirty old man
And a dirty old man was he
Now what did I tell you
Would you like to see?

Now hear
Where will I be tomorrow?
Will I beg will I borrow?
I don't care I don't care anyway
Come on come on the time is right
This man is evil and that is right
I told you ah yes I told you
And that's no lie oh no no no

Wouldn't you like to know?
Wouldn't you like to know?
Wouldn't you like to know?
Great King Rat was a dirty old man
And a dirty old man was he
How what did I tell you?
Would you like to see?

Show me

Wouldn't you like to know?
Wouldn't you like to know people?
Great King Rat was a dirty old man
And a dirty old man was he
Now what did I tell you
Would you like to see?

Now listen all you people
Put out the good and keep the bad
Don't believe all you read in the Bible
You sinners get in line
Saints you leave far behind
Very soon you're gonna be his disciple

Don't listen to what mama says
Not a word not a word mama says
Or else you'll find yourself being the rival
The great Lord before he died
Knelt sinners by his side
And said you're going to realise tomorrow

No I'm not gonna tell you
What you already know
'Cause time and time again
The old man said it all a long time ago
Come come on the time is right
This evil man will fight
I told you once before

Wouldn't you like to know?
Wouldn't you like to know?
Just like I said before
Great King Rat was a dirty old man
And a dirty old man was he
The last time I tell you
Would you like you see?


Had to make do with a worn out rock and roll scene
The old bop is gettin' tired need a rest
Well you know what I mean
Fifty eight that was great
But it's over now and that's all
Somethin' harder's coming up
Gonna really knock a hole in the wall
Gonna hit ya grab you hard
Make you feel ten feet tall

Well I hope that big new baby's gonna come along soon
You don't know it could happen any ol' rainy afternoon
With the temp'rature down
And the juke box blowin' no fuse
And my musical life's feelin'
Like a long Sunday School cruise
And you know there's one thing
Every single body could use
Yeah listen to me baby
Let me tell you what it's all about
Modern times rock and roll
Modern times rock and roll

Get your high heeled guitar boots and some groovy clothes
Get a hair piece on your chest
And a ring through your nose
Find a nice little man who says
He's gonna make you a real big star
Stars in your eyes ants in your pants
Think you should go far
Everybody in this bum sucking world's
Gonna know just who you are
Look out

Modern times rock and roll


I want you

Tried to be a son and daughter rolled into one
You said you'd equal any man for having your fun
Now didn't you feel surprised to find
The cap just didn't fit
The world expects a man
To buckle down and to shovel shit
What'll you do for loving
When it's only just begun?
I want you to be a woman

Tried to be a teacher and a fisher of men
An equal people preacher
Will you lead us all the same?
Well I travelled all round the world
A brand new word for day
Watching the time mustn't linger behind
Pardon me I have to get away
What'll you think of heaven
If it's back from where you came?
I want you to be a woman
I want you to be a woman yeah

13 mai 2010

Live at Wembley

Live at Wembley



(God works in mysterious ways)

One man one goal one mission

One heart one goal just one solution
One flash of light yeah one god one vision

One flesh one bone

One true religion
One voice one hope
One real decision
Wowowowo gimme one vision

No wrong no right

I'm gonna tell you there's no black and no white
No blood no stain
All we need is one world wide vision

One flesh one bone

One true religion
One race one hope
One real decision
Wowowowo oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah

I had a dream

When I was young
A dream of sweet illusion
A glimpse of hope and unity
And visions of one sweet union
But a cold wind blows
And a dark rain falls
And in my heart it shows
Look what they've done to my dreams

So give me your hands

Give me your hearts
I'm ready
There's only one direction
One world one nation
Yeah one vision

No hate no fight

Just excitation
All through the night
It's a celebration wowowowo yeah

One one one one...

One vision...

One flesh one bone

One true religion
One voice one hope
One real decision

Gimme one light

Gimme one hope
Just gimme
One man one man
One bar one night
One day hey hey
Just gimme gimme gimme gimme
Fried chicken


Get your party gown and get your pigtail down

And get your heart beatin' baby
Got my timin' right I got my act all tight

It's gotta be tonight

My little school babe
Your momma says you don't
And your daddy says you won't
And I'm boilin' up inside
Ain't no way I'm gonna lose out this time

Tie your mother down

Tie your mother down
Lock your daddy out of doors
I don't need him nosin' around
Tie your mother down
Tie your mother down
Give me all your love tonight

'You're such a dirty louse go get outa my house'

That's all I ever get from your family ties
In fact I don't think I ever heard
A single little civil word from those guys
I don't give a light
I'm gonna make out all right
I've got a sweetheart hand
To put a stop to all that
Snipin' and grousin'

Tie your mother down

Tie your mother down
Take your little brother swimmin'
With a brick that's all right
Tie your mother down
Tie your mother down
Or you ain't no friend of mine

Your momma and your daddy

Gonna plague me till I die
I can't understand it
'Cause I'm a peace lovin' guy
Tie your mother down
Tie your mother down
Get that big big big big big big
Daddy out the door
Tie your mother down yeah
Tie your mother down
Give me all your love tonight
All your love tonight


Ah ah ah ah ah

Ah ah ah

Leave it in the lap of the gods
Ah ah ah
I live my life for you
Think all my thoughts with you and only you
Anything you ask I do for you
I touch your lips with mine
But in the end I leave it to the lords
Leave it in the lap of the gods
What more can I do?
Leave it in the lap of the gods
I leave it to you
Leave it in the lap of the gods
Leave it in the lap of the gods
I want you to
Leave it in the lap of the gods
Leave it in the lap of the gods
Leave it in the lap of the gods
Lap of the gods
Lap of the gods
Lap of the gods
Lap of the gods
Lap of the gods
Lap of the gods


Fear me you lord and lady preachers

I descend upon your earth from the skies
I command your very souls you unbelievers
Bring before me what is mine
The seven seas of Rhye

Can you hear me you peers and privy councillors

I stand before you naked to the eyes
I will destroy any man who dares abuse my trust
I swear that you'll be mine
At the seven seas of Rhye

Sister I live and lie for you

Mister do and I'll die
You are mine I possess you
Belong to you forever

Storm the master marathon I'll fly through

By flash and thunder fire I'll survive
I'll survive I'll survive
Then I'll defy the laws of nature
And come out alive

Begone with you you shod and shady senators

Give out the good leave out the bad evil cries
I challenge the mighty titan and his troubadours
And with a smile
I'll take you to the seven seas of Rhye


Are you ready? - well are you ready?

We're gonna tear it up
Yeah yeah yeah yeah


Give me your mind baby give me your body
Give me some time baby let's have a party
It ain't no time for sleepin' baby
Soon it's round your street I'm creeping
You'd better be ready

We gonna Tear it up

Stir it up
Break it up - baby

You gonna Tear it up

Shake it up
Make it up - as you go along

Tear it up

Square it up
Wake it up - baby

Tear it up

Stir it up
Stake it out - and you can't go wrong

(Hey listen)

I love you 'cos you're sweet and I love you 'cos you're
I love you for your mind baby give me your body
I wanna be a toy at your birthday party
Wind me up - wind me up - wind me up - let me go

Tear it up

Stir it up
Break it up - let me go

Tear it up

Shake it up
Make it up - as you go along

Tear it up

Turn it up
Burn it up

Are you ready?(Oh yeah)

Baby baby baby are you ready for me?(Oh yeah)
Baby baby baby are you ready for love?(Oh yeah)
Are you ready - are you ready - are you ready for me?(Oh
I love you so near I love you so far
I gotta tell you baby you're driving me Ga Ga


It's a kind of magic

It's a kind of magic
A kind of magic
One dream one soul one prize one goal
One golden glance of what should be
It's a kind of magic
One shaft of light that shows the way
No mortal man can win this day
It's a kind of magic
The bell that rings inside your mind
Is challenging the doors of time
It's a kind of magic
The waiting seems eternity
The day will dawn of sanity
Is this a kind of magic
It's a kind of magic
There can be only one
This rage that lasts a thousand years
Will soon be done
This flame that burns inside of me
I'm here in secret harmonies
It's a kind of magic
The bell that rings inside your mind
Is challenging the doors of time
It's a kind of magic
It's a kind of magic
The rage that lasts a thousand years
Will soon be will soon be
Will soon be done
This is a kind of magic
There can be only one
This rage that lasts a thousand years
Will soon be done-done
Magic - it's a kind of magic
It's a kind of magic
Magic magic magic magic
Ha ha ha it's magic
It's a kind of magic


Pressure pushing down on me

Pressing down on you no man ask for
Under pressure
That burns a building down
Splits a family in two
Puts people on streets

Bah bah bah bah bah bah

Bah bah bah bah bah bah

That's o-kay!

It's the terror of knowing
What this world is about
Watching some good friends
Screaming let me out!
Pray tomorrow takes me higher
Pressure on people
People on streets

Do do do bah bah bah bah

Chippin' around
Kick my brains round the floor
These are the days
It never rains but it pours
People on streets
People on streets

It's the terror of knowing

What this world is about
Watching some good friends
Screaming let me out!
Pray tomorrow takes me higher higher higher
Pressure on people
People on streets
Turned away from it all
Like a blind man
Sat on a fence but it don't work
Keep coming up with love
But it's so slashed and torn
Why why why?
Love love love love

Insanity laughs under pressure we're cracking

Can't we give ourselves one more chance?
Why can't we give love that one more chance?
Why can't we give love give love give love?
Give love give love give love give love give love?
Cause love's such an old fashioned word
And love dares you to care
For people on the edge of the night
And love dares you to change our way
Of caring about ourselves
This is our last dance
This is our last dance
This is ourselves under pressure
Under pressure pressure


Steve walks warily down the street

With his brim pulled way down low
Ain't no sound but the sound of his feet
Machine guns ready to go

Are you ready hey are you ready for this?

Are you hanging on the edge of your seat?
Out of the doorway the bullets rip
To the sound of the beat yeah

Another one bites the dust

Another one bites the dust
And another one gone and another one gone
Another one bites the dust
Hey I'm gonna get you too
Another one bites the dust

How do you think I'm going to get along

Without you when you're gone
You took me for everything that I had
And kicked me out on my own

Are you happy are you satisfied?

How long can you stand the heat
Out of the doorway the bullets rip
To the sound of the beat look out

Another one bites the dust

Another one bites the dust
And another one gone and another one gone
Another one bites the dust
Hey I'm gonna get you too
Another one bites the dust


Oh take it - Bite the dust bite the dust
Hey Another one bites the dust
Another one bites the dust ow
Another one bites the dust he he
Another one bites the dust haaaa
Ooh shoot out

There are plenty of ways that you can hurt a man

And bring him to the ground
You can beat him
You can cheat him
You can treat him bad and leave him
When he's down
But I'm ready yes I'm ready for you
I'm standing on my own two feet
Out of the doorway the bullets rip
Repeating to the sound of the beat

Another one bites the dust

Another one bites the dust
And another one gone and another one gone
Another one bites the dust yeah
Hey I'm gonna get you too
Another one bites the dust
Shoot out


There's no time for us

There's no place for us
What is this thing that builds our dreams yet slips away
from us

Who wants to live forever

Who wants to live forever....?

There's no chance for us

It's all decided for us
This world has only one sweet moment set aside for us

Who wants to live forever

Who wants to live forever?

Who dares to love forever?

When love must die

But touch my tears with your lips

Touch my world with your fingertips
And we can have forever
And we can love forever
Forever is our today
Who wants to live forever
Who wants to live forever?
Forever is our today

Who waits forever anyway?


I want to break free

I want to break free
I want to break free from your lies
You're so self satisfied I don't need you
I've got to break free
God knows God knows I want to break free

I've fallen in love

I've fallen in love for the first time
And this time I know it's for real
I've fallen in love yeah
God knows God knows I've fallen in love

It's strange but it's true

I can't get over the way you love me like you do
But I have to be sure
When I walk out that door
Oh how I want to be free baby
Oh how I want to be free
Oh how I want to break free

But life still goes on

I can't get used to living without living without
Living without you by my side
I don't want to live alone hey
God knows got to make it on my own
So baby can't you see
I've got to break free

I've got to break free

I want to break free yeah

I want I want I want I want to break free....




Happy little day Jimmy went away

Met his little Jenny on a public holiday
A happy pair they made so decorously laid
'Neath the gay illuminations all along the promenade
It's so good to know there's still a little magic in the air
I'll weave my spell

Jenny will you stay tarry with me pray

Nothing 'ere need come between us
Tell me love what do you say?
Oh no I must away to my mum in disarray
If my mother should discover how I spent my holiday
It would be of small avail to talk of magic in the air
I'll say farewell

Oh rock of ages do not crumble

Love is breathing still
Oh lady moon shine down
A little people magic if you will

Jenny pines away writes a letter ev'ry day

We must ever be together
Nothing can my love erase
Oh no I'm compromised
I must apologize if my lady should discover
How I spent my holidays


Here I stand (here I stand..)

Look around around around around
(Around around around around..)
But you won't see me (you won't see me..)
Now I'm here (now I'm here..)
Now I'm there (now I'm there..)
I'm just a just a new man
Yes you made me live again

A baby I was when you took my hand

And the light of the night burned bright
And the people all stared didn't understand
But you knew my name on sight
Whatever came of you and me?
America's new bride to be
Don't worry baby I'm safe and sound
Down in the dungeon just Peaches and me
Don't I love her so?
Yes she made me live again Yeah!

A thin moon me in the smoke screen sky

Where the beams of your love light chase
Don't move don't speak don't feel no pain
With the rain running down my face
Your matches still light up the sky
And many a tear lives on in my eye
Down in the city just Hoople and me
Don't I love him so don't I love him so?

Whatever comes of you and me

I love to leave my memories with you

Now I'm here (now I'm here.)

Think I'll stay around around around
(Around around around around..)
Down in the city just you and me
(Down in the city just you and me..)

Don't I love you so?

Go Go Go Little Queenie



Love of my life you've hurt me

You've broken my heart and now you leave me
Love of my life can't you see
Bring it back bring it back
Don't take it away from me
Because you don't know
What it means to me

Love of my life don't leave me

You've taken my love you now desert me
Love of my life can't you see
Bring it back bring it back
Don't take it away from me
Because you don't know
What it means to me

You will remember

When this is blown over
And everything's all by the way
When I grow older
I will be there at your side to remind you
How I still love you I still love you

Back hurry back

Please bring it back home to me
Because you don't know
What it means to me
Love of my life
Love of my life


Just look at all those hungry mouths we have to feed

Take a look at all the suffering we breed
So many lonely faces scattered all around
Searching for what they need

Is this the world we created?

What did we do it for?
Is this the world we invaded
Against the law?
So it seems in the end
Is this what we're all living for today?
The world that we created

You know that every day a helpless child is born

Who needs some loving care inside a happy home
Somewhere a wealthy man is sitting on his throne
Waiting for life to go by

Is this the world we created?

We made it on our own
Is this the world we devastated
Right to the bone?
If there's a God in the sky looking down
What can he think of what we've done
To the world that He created?


You don't like crazy music, you don't like rockin'

You just want to go to a movie show, and sit their holdin' hands
You're so square, baby I don't care

I don't know why my heart blips, I only know it does

I only want to love you baby, I guess its just because
You're so square, baby I don't care

You don't know any dance steps, but I do-a-hoo-hoo

I only know why I love you like I do-a-do-a-do-a-do
You don't like crazy music, you don't like rockin'
You just want to go to a movie show, and sit their holdin' hands
You're so square, baby I don't care
Baby I don't care, baby I don't care


I said "Hello Mary Lou

Goodbye heart
Sweet Mary Lou
I'm so in love with you
I knew Mary Lou
We'd never part
So Hello Mary Lou
Goodbye heart"

You passed me by one sunny day

Flashed those big brown eyes my way
And oo I wanted you forever more
Now I'm not one that gets around
I swear my feet stuck to the ground
And though I never did see you before

I said "Hello Mary Lou

Goodbye heart
Sweet Mary Lou
I'm so in love with you
I knew Mary Lou
We'd never part
So Hello Mary Lou
Goodbye heart"
So Hello Mary Lou
Goodbye heart"
So Hello Mary Lou
Goodbye heart"


Bop bopa-a-lu a whop bam boo

Tutti frutti, oh Rudy
Tutti frutti, oh Rudy
Tutti frutti, oh Rudy
Tutti frutti, oh Rudy
Tutti frutti, oh Rudy
A whop bop-a-lu a whop bam boo

Got a girl named Sue, she knows just what to do

Got a girl named Sue, she knows just what to do
She rock to the east, she rocks to the west
She's the girl that I know best

Tutti frutti, oh Rudy

Tutti frutti, oh Rudy
Tutti frutti, oh Rudy
A whop bop-a-lu a whop bam boo

Got a girl named Daisy, she almost drives me crazy

Got a girl named Daisy, she almost drives me crazy
She knows how to love me, yes indeed
Boy I don't know what you're doin' to me

Tutti frutti, oh Rudy

Tutti frutti, oh Rudy
Tutti frutti, oh Rudy
A whop bop-a-lu a whop bam boo
A whop bop-a-lu a whop bam boo
(A whop bop-a-lu a whop bam boo)
A whop bop-a-lu a whop bam boo
Tutti frutti, oh Rudy
Tutti frutti, oh Rudy
Tutti frutti, oh Rudy
Tutti frutti, oh Rudy
A whop bop-a-lu a whop bam boo

Got a girl named Daisy, she almost drives me crazy

Got a girl named Daisy, she almost drives me crazy
She knows how to love me, yes indeed
Boy I don't know what you're doin' to me

Tutti frutti, oh Rudy

Tutti frutti, oh Rudy
Tutti frutti, oh Rudy
A whop bop-a-lu a whop bam boo



Well my temperature's rising
And my feet left the floor
Crazy people knocking,
'Cause they want some more.
Let me in baby,
I don't know what you got
You better take it easy.
This place is hot.

And I'm

So glad you made it
So glad you made it
You gotta
Gimme some lovin'
Gimme some lovin'
Gimme some lovin' everyday.


My head's a-spinning
And I'm floating to sound
Too much is happening
'Cause you're not around
It's been a hard day
And nothing went too good
I'm gonna relax
Like everybody should

And I'm

So glad you made it
So glad you made it
You gotta
Gimme some lovin'
Gimme some lovin'
Gimme some lovin' everyday


I feel so good
Everything is gettin' higher.
You better take some time out
'Cause the place is on fire.
Better stop baby
I have so much to do.
We made it, baby.
And it happened to you.

So glad you made it

So glad you made it
You gotta
Gimme some lovin'
Gimme some lovin'
Gimme some lovin' everyday.

So glad you made it

So glad you made it
You gotta
Gimme some lovin'
Gimme some lovin'
Gimme some lovin' everyday.


Is this the real life-

Is this just fantasy-
Caught in a landslide-
No escape from reality-
Open your eyes
Look up to the skies and see-
I'm just a poor boy,I need no sympathy-
Because I'm easy come,easy go,
A little high,little low,
Anyway the wind blows,doesn't really matter to me,
To me

Mama, just killed a man,

Put a gun against his head,
Pulled my trigger,now he's dead,
Mama, life had just begun,
But now I've gone and thrown it all away-
Mama ooo,
Didn't mean to make you cry-
If I'm not back again this time tomorrow-
Carry on, carry on, as if nothing really matters-

Too late, my time has come,

Sends shivers down my spine-
Body's aching all the time,
Goodbye everybody-I've got to go-
Gotta leave you all behind and face the truth-
Mama ooo- (any way the wind blows)
I don't want to die,
I sometimes wish I'd never been born at all-

I see a little silhouetto of a man,

Scaramouche, scaramouche will you do the Fandango-
Thunderbolt and lightning-very very frightening me-
Galileo, Galileo,
Galileo Galileo
Galileo figaro-Magnifico-
But I'm just a poor boy and nobody loves me-
He's just a poor boy from a poor family-
Spare him his life from this monstrosity-
Easy come easy go-, will you let me go-
Bismillah! No-, we will not let you go-let him go-
Bismillah! We will not let you go-let him go
Bismillah! We will not let you go-let me go
Will not let you go-let me go
Will not let you go let me go
No, no, no, no, no, no, no-
Mama mia, mama mia, mama mia let me go-
Beelzebub has a devil put aside for me, for me, for me-

So you think you can stone me and spit in my eye-

So you think you can love me and leave me to die-
Oh baby-Can't do this to me baby-
Just gotta get out-just gotta get right outta here-

Nothing really matters,

Anyone can see,
Nothing really matters-, nothing really matters to me,

Any way the wind blows....


Here we stand or here we fall

History won't care at all
Make the bed light the light
Lady Mercy won't be home tonight yeah

You don't waste no time at all

Don't hear the bell but you answer the call
It comes to you as to us all
We're just waiting
For the hammer to fall

Oh ev'ry night and every day

A little piece of you is falling away
But lift your face the Western Way
Build your muscles as your body decays yeah

Toe your line and play their game yeah

Let the anaesthetic cover it all
Till one day they call your name
You know it's time for the hammer to fall

Rich or poor or famous

For your truth it's all the same (oh no oh no)
Lock your door the rain is pouring
Through your window pane (oh no)
Baby now your struggle's all in vain

For we who grew up tall and proud

In the shadow of the mushroom cloud
Convinced our voices can't be heard
We just wanna scream it louder and louder louder

What the hell we fighting for?

Just surrender and it won't hurt at all
You just got time to say your prayers
While your waiting for the hammer to hammer to fall

It's gonna fall know..hammer to fall
Waiting for the hammer to fall now baby
While you're waiting for the hammer to fall

Give it to me one more time


This thing called love I just can't handle it

This thing called love I must get round to it
I ain't ready
Crazy little thing called love

This thing (this thing) called love (called love)

It cries (like a baby)
In a cradle all night
It swings (woo woo)
It jives (woo woo)
It shakes all over like a jelly fish
I kinda like it
Crazy little thing called love

There goes my baby

She knows how to Rock'n'Roll
She drives my crazy
She gives me hot and cold fever
Then she leaves me in a cool cool sweat

I gotta be cool relax get hip!

Get on my track's
Take a back seat
Hitch hike
And take a long ride on my motor bike
Until I'm ready
Crazy little thing called love

I gotta be cool relax get hip!

Get on my track's
Take a back seat
Hitch hike
And take a long ride on my motor bike
Until I'm ready (ready Freddie)
Crazy little thing called love

This thing called love I just can't handle it

This thing called love I must get round to it
I ain't ready
Crazy little thing called love...


The minute you walked in the joint

I could see you were a man of distinction,
A real big spender,
Good looking, so refined.
Say wouldn't you like to know what's going on in my mind?

Let me get right to the point,

I don't pop my cork for every girl I see.
Hey, big spender,
Spend a little time with me.


Radio I'd sit alone and watch your light

My only friend through teenage nights
And ev'rything I had to know
I heard it on my radio

You gave them all those old time stars

Through wars of worlds - invaded by Mars
You made 'em laugh - you made 'em cry
You made us feel like we could fly

So don't become some background noise

A backdrop for the girls and boys
Who just don't know or just don't care
And just complain when you're not there
You had your time you had the power
You've yet to have your finest hour

All we hear is Radio ga ga

Radio goo goo
Radio ga ga
All we hear is Radio ga ga
Radio blah blah
Radio what's new?
Radio someone still loves you

We watch the shows - we watch the stars

On videos for hours and hours
We hardly need to use our ears
How music changes through the years

Let's hope you never leave old friend

Like all good things on you we depend
So stick around cos we might miss you
When we grow tired of all this visual
You had your time you had the power
You've yet to have your finest hour

All we hear is Radio ga ga

Radio goo goo
Radio ga ga
All we hear is Radio ga ga
Radio goo goo
Radio ga ga
All we hear is Radio ga ga
Radio blah blah
Radio what's new?
Someone still loves you

Radio ga ga

Radio ga ga
Radio ga ga

You had your time you had the power

You've yet to have your finest hour


Buddy you're a boy make a big noise

Playin' in the street gonna be a big man some day
You got mud on yo' face
You big disgrace
Kickin' your can all over the place

'We will we will rock you

We will we will rock you'

Buddy you're a young man hard man

Shoutin' in the street gonna take on the world some day
You got blood on yo' face
You big disgrace
Wavin' your banner all over the place

'We will we will rock you'

'We will we will rock you'

Buddy you're an old man poor man

Pleadin' with your eyes gonna make you some peace some day
You got mud on your face
You big disgrace
Somebody better put you back into your place

'We will we will rock you'

'We will we will rock you'
'We will we will rock you'
'We will we will rock you'


Another red letter day

So the pound has dropped and the children are creating
The other half ran away
Taking all the cash and leaving you with the lumber
Got a pain in the chest
Doctor's on strike what you need is a rest

It's not easy love but you've got friends you can trust

Friends will be friends
When you're in need of love they give you care and attention
Friends will be friends
When you're through with life and all hope is lost
Hold out your hands cos friends will be friends right till the

Now it's a beautiful day

The postman delivered a letter from your lover
Only a phone call away
You tried to track him down but somebody stole his number
As a matter of fact
You're getting used to life without him in your way

It's so easy love cos you got friends you can trust

Friends will be friends
When you're in need of love they give you care and attention
Friends will be friends
When you're through with life and all hope is lost
Hold out your hands cos friends will be friends right till the

It's so easy love cos you got friends you can trust

Friends will be friends
When you're in need of love they give you care and attention
Friends will be friends
When you're through with life and all hope is lost
Hold out your hands cos friends will be friends right till the

Friends will be friends

When you're in need of love they give you care and attention
Friends will be friends
When you're through with life and all hope is lost
Hold out your hands cos right till the end-
Friends will be friends


I've paid my dues

Time after time
I've done my sentence
But committed no crime
And bad mistakes
I've made a few
I've had my share of sand
Kicked in my face
But I've come through
And I need to go on and on and on and on

We are the champions - my friend

And we'll keep on fighting till the end
We are the champions
We are the champions
No time for losers
'Cause we are the champions of the world

I've taken my bows

And my curtain calls
You've bought me fame and fortune
And everything that goes with it
I thank you all
But it's been no bed of roses no pleasure cruise
I consider it a challenge before the whole human race
And I ain't gonna lose
And I need to go on and on and on and on

We are the champions - my friend

And we'll keep on fighting till the end
We are the champions
We are the champions
No time for losers
'Cause we are the champions of the world

We are the champions - my friend

And we'll keep on fighting till the end
We are the champions
We are the champions
No time for losers
'Cause we are the champions



13 mai 2010

Classic Queen

Classic Queen


It's a kind of magic

It's a kind of magic
A kind of magic
One dream one soul one prize one goal
One golden glance of what should be
It's a kind of magic
One shaft of light that shows the way
No mortal man can win this day
It's a kind of magic
The bell that rings inside your mind
Is challenging the doors of time
It's a kind of magic
The waiting seems eternity
The day will dawn of sanity
Is this a kind of magic
It's a kind of magic
There can be only one
This rage that lasts a thousand years
Will soon be done
This flame that burns inside of me
I'm here in secret harmonies
It's a kind of magic
The bell that rings inside your mind
Is challenging the doors of time
It's a kind of magic
It's a kind of magic
The rage that lasts a thousand years
Will soon be will soon be
Will soon be done
This is a kind of magic
There can be only one
This rage that lasts a thousand years
Will soon be done-done
Magic - it's a kind of magic
It's a kind of magic
Magic magic magic magic
Ha ha ha it's magic
It's a kind of magic


Is this the real life-

Is this just fantasy-
Caught in a landslide-
No escape from reality-
Open your eyes
Look up to the skies and see-
I'm just a poor boy,I need no sympathy-
Because I'm easy come,easy go,
A little high,little low,
Anyway the wind blows,doesn't really matter to me,
To me

Mama, just killed a man,

Put a gun against his head,
Pulled my trigger,now he's dead,
Mama, life had just begun,
But now I've gone and thrown it all away-
Mama ooo,
Didn't mean to make you cry-
If I'm not back again this time tomorrow-
Carry on, carry on, as if nothing really matters-

Too late, my time has come,

Sends shivers down my spine-
Body's aching all the time,
Goodbye everybody-I've got to go-
Gotta leave you all behind and face the truth-
Mama ooo- (any way the wind blows)
I don't want to die,
I sometimes wish I'd never been born at all-

I see a little silhouetto of a man,

Scaramouche, scaramouche will you do the Fandango-
Thunderbolt and lightning-very very frightening me-
Galileo, Galileo,
Galileo Galileo
Galileo figaro-Magnifico-
But I'm just a poor boy and nobody loves me-
He's just a poor boy from a poor family-
Spare him his life from this monstrosity-
Easy come easy go-, will you let me go-
Bismillah! No-, we will not let you go-let him go-
Bismillah! We will not let you go-let him go
Bismillah! We will not let you go-let me go
Will not let you go-let me go
Will not let you go let me go
No, no, no, no, no, no, no-
Mama mia, mama mia, mama mia let me go-
Beelzebub has a devil put aside for me, for me, for me-

So you think you can stone me and spit in my eye-

So you think you can love me and leave me to die-
Oh baby-Can't do this to me baby-
Just gotta get out-just gotta get right outta here-

Nothing really matters,

Anyone can see,
Nothing really matters-, nothing really matters to me,

Any way the wind blows....


Pressure pushing down on me

Pressing down on you no man ask for
Under pressure
That burns a building down
Splits a family in two
Puts people on streets

Bah bah bah bah bah bah

Bah bah bah bah bah bah

That's o-kay!

It's the terror of knowing
What this world is about
Watching some good friends
Screaming let me out!
Pray tomorrow takes me higher
Pressure on people
People on streets

Do do do bah bah bah bah

Chippin' around
Kick my brains round the floor
These are the days
It never rains but it pours
People on streets
People on streets

It's the terror of knowing

What this world is about
Watching some good friends
Screaming let me out!
Pray tomorrow takes me higher higher higher
Pressure on people
People on streets
Turned away from it all
Like a blind man
Sat on a fence but it don't work
Keep coming up with love
But it's so slashed and torn
Why why why?
Love love love love

Insanity laughs under pressure we're cracking

Can't we give ourselves one more chance?
Why can't we give love that one more chance?
Why can't we give love give love give love?
Give love give love give love give love give love?
Cause love's such an old fashioned word
And love dares you to care
For people on the edge of the night
And love dares you to change our way
Of caring about ourselves
This is our last dance
This is our last dance
This is ourselves under pressure
Under pressure pressure


Here we stand or here we fall

History won't care at all
Make the bed light the light
Lady Mercy won't be home tonight yeah

You don't waste no time at all

Don't hear the bell but you answer the call
It comes to you as to us all
We're just waiting
For the hammer to fall

Oh ev'ry night and every day

A little piece of you is falling away
But lift your face the Western Way
Build your muscles as your body decays yeah

Toe your line and play their game yeah

Let the anaesthetic cover it all
Till one day they call your name
You know it's time for the hammer to fall

Rich or poor or famous

For your truth it's all the same (oh no oh no)
Lock your door the rain is pouring
Through your window pane (oh no)
Baby now your struggle's all in vain

For we who grew up tall and proud

In the shadow of the mushroom cloud
Convinced our voices can't be heard
We just wanna scream it louder and louder louder

What the hell we fighting for?

Just surrender and it won't hurt at all
You just got time to say your prayers
While your waiting for the hammer to hammer to fall

It's gonna fall know..hammer to fall
Waiting for the hammer to fall now baby
While you're waiting for the hammer to fall

Give it to me one more time


Sleeping very soundly on a Saturday morning

I was dreaming I was Al Capone
There's a rumour going round
Gotta clear outa town
I'm smelling like a dry fish bone
Here come the law gonna break down the door
Gonna carry me away once more
Never never I never want it anymore
Gotta get away from this stone cold floor
Crazy stone cold crazy you know

Rainy afternoon I gotta blow a typhoon

And I'm playing on my slide trombone
Anymore anymore cannot take it anymore
Gotta get away from this stone cold floor
Crazy stone cold crazy you know

Walking down the street

Shooting people that I meet
With my rubber Tommy water gun
Here come the deputy
He's gonna come and get me
I gotta get me up and run
They got the sirens loose
I ran right outa juice
They're gonna put me in a cell
If I can't go to heaven
Will they let me go to hell?
Crazy stone cold crazy you know


Just one year of love

Is better than a lifetime alone
One sentimental moment in your arms
Is like a shooting star right through my heart
It's always a rainy day without you
I'm a prisoner of love inside you -
I'm falling apart all around you - yeah
My heart cries out to your heart
I'm lonely but you can save me
My hand reaches for to your hand
I'm cold but you light the fire in me
My lips search for your lips
I'm hungry for your touch
There's so much left unspoken
And all I can do is surrender
To the moment just surrender

And no one ever told me that love would hurt so much

Oooh yes it hurts
And pain is so close to pleasure
And all I can do is surrender to your love
Just surrender to your love
Just one year of love
Is better than a lifetime alone
One sentimental moment in your arms
Is like a shooting star right through my heart
It's always a rainy day without you
I'm a prisoner of love inside you
I'm falling apart all around you
And all I can do is surrender


Radio I'd sit alone and watch your light

My only friend through teenage nights
And ev'rything I had to know
I heard it on my radio

You gave them all those old time stars

Through wars of worlds - invaded by Mars
You made 'em laugh - you made 'em cry
You made us feel like we could fly

So don't become some background noise

A backdrop for the girls and boys
Who just don't know or just don't care
And just complain when you're not there
You had your time you had the power
You've yet to have your finest hour

All we hear is Radio ga ga

Radio goo goo
Radio ga ga
All we hear is Radio ga ga
Radio blah blah
Radio what's new?
Radio someone still loves you

We watch the shows - we watch the stars

On videos for hours and hours
We hardly need to use our ears
How music changes through the years

Let's hope you never leave old friend

Like all good things on you we depend
So stick around cos we might miss you
When we grow tired of all this visual
You had your time you had the power
You've yet to have your finest hour

All we hear is Radio ga ga

Radio goo goo
Radio ga ga
All we hear is Radio ga ga
Radio goo goo
Radio ga ga
All we hear is Radio ga ga
Radio blah blah
Radio what's new?
Someone still loves you

Radio ga ga

Radio ga ga
Radio ga ga

You had your time you had the power

You've yet to have your finest hour


When the outside temperature rises

And the meaning is oh so clear
One thousand and one yellow daffodils
Begin to dance in front of you - oh dear
Are they trying to tell you something
You're missing that one final screw
You're simply not in the pink my dear
To be honest you haven't got a clue

I'm going slightly mad

I'm going slightly mad
It finally happened - happened
It finally happened - ooh oh
It finally happened
I'm slightly mad
Oh dear

I'm one card short of a full deck

I'm not quite the shilling
One wave short of a shipwreck
I'm not my usual top billing
I'm coming down with a fever
I'm really out to sea
This kettle is boiling over
I think I'm a banana tree
Oh dear

I'm going slightly mad

I'm going slightly mad
It finally happened - happened
It finally happened - uh huh
It finally happened
I'm slightly mad
Oh dear

Ooh ooh ah ah

Ooh ooh ah ah
I'm knitting with only one needle
Unravelling fast it's true
I'm driving only three wheels these days
But my dear how about you

I'm going slightly mad

I'm going slightly mad
It finally happened
It finally happened - oh yes
It finally happened
I'm slightly mad
Just very slightly mad

And there you have it


Adventure seeker on an empty street

Just an alley creeper light on his feet
A young fighter screaming with no time for doubt
With the pain and anger can't see a way out
It ain't much I'm asking I heard him say
Gotta find me a future move out of my way
I want it all I want it all I want it all and I want it now
I want it all I want it all I want it all and I want it now

Listen all you people come gather round

I gotta get me a game plan gotta shake you to the ground
Just give me what I know is mine
People do you hear me just give me the sign
It ain't much I'm asking if you want the truth
Here's to the future for the dreams of youth
I want it all (give it all) I want it all I want it all and I want it now
I want it all (yes I want it all) I want it all (hey)
I want it all and I want it now

I'm a man with a one track mind

So much to do in one life time (people do you hear me)
Not a man for compromise and where's and why's and living lies
So I'm living it all (yes I'm living it all)
And I'm giving it all (and I'm giving it all)

Yeah yeah

Yeah yeah yeah yeah
I want it all all all all

It ain't much I'm asking if you want the truth

Here's to the future
Hear the cry of youth (hear the cry hear the cry of youth)
I want it all I want it all I want it all and I want it now
I want it all (yeah yeah yeah) I want it all I want it all and I
want it now

I want it

I want it I want it


Get your party gown and get your pigtail down

And get your heart beatin' baby
Got my timin' right I got my act all tight

It's gotta be tonight

My little school babe
Your momma says you don't
And your daddy says you won't
And I'm boilin' up inside
Ain't no way I'm gonna lose out this time

Tie your mother down

Tie your mother down
Lock your daddy out of doors
I don't need him nosin' around
Tie your mother down
Tie your mother down
Give me all your love tonight

'You're such a dirty louse go get outa my house'

That's all I ever get from your family ties
In fact I don't think I ever heard
A single little civil word from those guys
I don't give a light
I'm gonna make out all right
I've got a sweetheart hand
To put a stop to all that
Snipin' and grousin'

Tie your mother down

Tie your mother down
Take your little brother swimmin'
With a brick that's all right
Tie your mother down
Tie your mother down
Or you ain't no friend of mine

Your momma and your daddy

Gonna plague me till I die
I can't understand it
'Cause I'm a peace lovin' guy
Tie your mother down
Tie your mother down
Get that big big big big big big
Daddy out the door
Tie your mother down yeah
Tie your mother down
Give me all your love tonight
All your love tonight


Every drop of rain that falls in Sahara Desert says it all

It's a miracle
All God's creations great and small
The Golden Gate and the Taj Mahal
That's a miracle
Test tube babies being born
Mothers,fathers dead and gone
It's a miracle

We're having a miracle on earth

Mother nature does it all for us
The wonders of this world go on
The hanging Gardens of Babylon
Captain Cook and Cain and Able
Jimi Hendrix to the Tower of Babel
It's a miracle it's a miracle it's a miracle
It's a miracle

The one thing we're all waiting for is peace on earth - an end

to war
It's a miracle we need - the miracle
The miracle we're all waiting for today

If every leaf on every tree could tell a story that would be a

If every child on every street had clothes to wear and food to
That's a miracle
If all God's people could be free to live in perfect harmony
It's a miracle

We're having a miracle on earth

Mother nature does it all for us
Open hearts and surgery
(wonders of this world go on)
Sunday mornings with a cup of tea
Super powers always fighting
But Mona Lisa just keeps on smiling
It's a miracle it's a miracle it's a miracle

(wonders of this world go on)

It's a miracle it's a miracle it's a miracle
It's a miracle

The one thing (the one thing) we're all waiting for (we're all waiting for)

Is peace on earth (peace on earth) and an end to war (an end to war)
It's a miracle we need - the miracle
The miracle peace on earth and end to war today

That time will come one day you'll see when we can all be friends

That time will come one day you'll see when we can all be friends
That time will come one day you'll see when we can all be friends
That time will come one day you'll see when we can all be friends


Sometimes I get to feelin'

I was back in the old days - long ago
When we were kids when we were young
Thing seemed so perfect - you know
The days were endless we were crazy we were young
The sun was always shinin' - we just lived for fun
Sometimes it seems like lately - I just don't know
The rest of my life's been just a show

Those were the days of our lives

The bad things in life were so few
Those days are all gone now but one thing is true
When I look and I find I still love you

You can't turn back the clock you can't turn back the tide

Ain't that a shame
I'd like to go back one time on a roller coaster ride
When life was just a game
No use in sitting and thinkin' on what you did
When you can lay back and enjoy it through your kids
Sometimes it seems like lately - I just don't know
Better sit back and go with the flow

Cos these are the days of our lives

They've flown in the swiftness of time
These days are all gone now but some things remain
When I look and I find no change

Those were the days of our lives - yeah

The bad things in life were so few
Those days are all gone now but one thing's still true
When I look and I find
I still love you

I still love you


(God works in mysterious ways)

One man one goal one mission

One heart one goal just one solution
One flash of light yeah one god one vision

One flesh one bone

One true religion
One voice one hope
One real decision
Wowowowo gimme one vision

No wrong no right

I'm gonna tell you there's no black and no white
No blood no stain
All we need is one world wide vision

One flesh one bone

One true religion
One race one hope
One real decision
Wowowowo oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah

I had a dream

When I was young
A dream of sweet illusion
A glimpse of hope and unity
And visions of one sweet union
But a cold wind blows
And a dark rain falls
And in my heart it shows
Look what they've done to my dreams

So give me your hands

Give me your hearts
I'm ready
There's only one direction
One world one nation
Yeah one vision

No hate no fight

Just excitation
All through the night
It's a celebration wowowowo yeah

One one one one...

One vision...

One flesh one bone

One true religion
One voice one hope
One real decision

Gimme one light

Gimme one hope
Just gimme
One man one man
One bar one night
One day hey hey
Just gimme gimme gimme gimme
Fried chicken


I was told a million times

Of all the troubles in my way
Tried to grow a little wiser
Little better ev'ry day
But if I crossed a million rivers
And I rode a million miles
Then I'd still be where I started
Bread and butter for a smile
Well I sold a million mirrors
In a shop in Alley Way
But I never saw my face
In any window any day
Well they say your folks are telling you
To be a superstar
But I tell you just be satisfied
To stay right where you are

Keep yourself alive keep yourself alive

It'll take you all your time and a money
Honey you'll survive

Well I've loved a million women

In a belladonic haze
And I ate a million dinners
Brought to me on silver trays
Give me ev'rything I need
To feed my body and my soul
And I'll grow a little bigger
Maybe that can be my goal
I was told a million times
Of all the people in my way
How I had to keep on trying
And get better ev'ry day
But if I crossed a million rivers
And I rode a million miles
Then I'd still be where I started
Same as when I started

Keep yourself alive keep yourself alive

It'll take you all your time and a money
Honey you'll survive

Keep yourself alive

Keep yourself alive
It'll take you all your time and a money
To keep me satisfied
Do you think you're better ev'ry day?
No I think I'm two steps nearer to my grave
Keep yourself alive
Keep yourself alive mm
You take your time and take more money
Keep yourself alive
Keep yourself alive
Keep yourself alive
All you people keep yourself alive
Keep yourself alive
Keep yourself alive
It'll take you all your time and money
To keep me satisfied
Keep yourself alive
Keep yourself alive
All you people keep yourself alive
Take you all your time and money
Honey you'll survive

Keep you satisfied

Keep you satisfied


And you're rushing headlong you've got a new goal

And you're rushing headlong out of control
And you think you're so strong
But there ain't no stopping
And there's nothin' you can do about it
Nothin' you can do no there's nothin' you can do about it
No there's nothin you can nothin' you can nothin' you can do about it

And you're rushing headlong you've got a new goal

And you're rushing headlong out of control
And you think you're so strong
But there ain't no stopping no there's nothin' you can do
about it

Hey he used to be a man with a stick in his hand

Hoop diddy diddy - hoop diddy do
She used to be a woman with a hot dog stand
Hoop diddy diddy - hoop diddy do
Now you've got soup in the laundry bag
Now you've got strings you're gonna lose your rag
You're gettin' in a fight
Then it ain't so groovy when you're screaming in the night
Let me out of this cheap B movie

Headlong down the highway and you're rushing

Headlong out of control
And you think you're so strong
But there ain't no stopping and you can't stop rockin'
And there's nothin you can nothin' you can nothin' you can do about it

When a red hot man meets a white hot lady

Hoop diddy diddy - hoop diddy do
Soon the fire starts raging gets you more than half crazy
Hoop diddy diddy - hoop diddy do
Now they start freaking everywhere you turn
You can't start walking cause your feet got burned
It ain't no time to figure wrong from right
Cause reason's out of the window better hold on tight

You're rushing headlong

Headlong out of control - yeah
And you think you're so strong
But there ain't no stopping
And there's nothin you nothin' you nothin' you can do about it at all

Yeah yeah

Alright - go

And you're rushing headlong down the highway

And you're rushing headlong out of control
And you think you're so strong
But there ain't no stopping
There's nothin nothin' nothin' you can do about it

Ah ha

Yeah yeah yeah


gnoldeaH gnoldeaH gnoldeaH gnoldeaH


There's no time for us

There's no place for us
What is this thing that builds our dreams yet slips away
from us

Who wants to live forever

Who wants to live forever....?

There's no chance for us

It's all decided for us
This world has only one sweet moment set aside for us

Who wants to live forever

Who wants to live forever?

Who dares to love forever?

When love must die

But touch my tears with your lips

Touch my world with your fingertips
And we can have forever
And we can love forever
Forever is our today
Who wants to live forever
Who wants to live forever?
Forever is our today

Who waits forever anyway?


Empty spaces - what are we waiting for

Abandoned places - I guess we know the score
On and on
Does anybody know what we are looking for

Another hero another mindless crime

Behind the curtain in the pantomime
Hold the line
Does anybody want to take it anymore

The show must go on

The show must go on
Inside my heart is breaking
My make-up may be flaking
But my smile still stays on

Whatever happens I'll leave it all to chance

Another heartache another failed romance
On and on
Does anybody know what we are living for
I guess I'm learning
I must be warmer now
I'll soon be turning round the corner now
Outside the dawn is breaking
But inside in the dark I'm aching to be free

The show must go on

The show must go on - yeah
Ooh inside my heart is breaking
My make-up may be flaking
But my smile still stays on
Yeah oh oh oh

My soul is painted like the wings of butterflies

Fairy tales of yesterday will grow but never die
I can fly - my friends

The show must go on - yeah

The show must go on
I'll face it with a grin
I'm never giving in
On with the show

I'll top the bill

I'll overkill
I have to find the will to carry on
On with the
On with the show

The show must go on

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